Bill Bailey on UK politics The Times newspaper quoted Bill - TopicsExpress


Bill Bailey on UK politics The Times newspaper quoted Bill Bailey as saying the only trace of the Liberal Democrats will be a bunch of flowers taped to some railings. David Cameron, on the other hand, was poetically described as a congealed, laminated weasel. Ukip, he argued, are a troupe of sozzled berks whose only policies include an electrified fence at Dover and no women in the bar area. Ed Miliband was rather tragically described as being like a plastic bag caught in a tree. No one knows how he got up there and no one can be bothered to get him down. Bailey, who appeared in one of Labour’s 2010 general election broadcasts, has already admitted he has grown frustrated with the Labour Party. I find them increasingly frustrating because there seems to be a lack of direction,” he said in January. “I’ve always been a Labour supporter, but ordinary working people are not being represented in the way that they used to.” “People look at all the parties and see similarities,” he concluded.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 20:25:05 +0000

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