Bill! I feel your frustration! Liberals dont want to see the - TopicsExpress


Bill! I feel your frustration! Liberals dont want to see the point, simply because they, as well as muslims, also worship some kind of mythological deity. They want others to respect their bull shit religion showing respect to others. The problem here is Religion, plain and simple. We shouldnt have to be fighting this ISIS idiots; honest muslims ( if that exist) should be fighting ISIS. But thats the problem, they are not! They are accomplices of their actions. A honest decent muslim would say; This religion and these actions are an abomination and I Will not follow a religion that provokes this kind of atrocities and fanaticism! But they dont!!!! Our ancestors had to deal with this same atrocities and some of us evolved to become Humans! Praise to you Bill! For now we are a minority, hopefully not for long. Reason will destroy nonsense!! Thats why we have to keep outsmarting this forces of delusional dogma. We owe it to Giordano Bruno, to Galileo and many other punished by this irrational religious people! 2015 American Atheist Convention in San Juan Puerto Rico Hope you can join us!!! And the good part is, you dont need to bring any suits! Only board shorts and your Hawaiians shirts!!!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:09:46 +0000

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