Bill O Reilly hit it right on the head and said it with total - TopicsExpress


Bill O Reilly hit it right on the head and said it with total logic and conviction of truth and justice, this matter is to be found out in a civil manner, our Judaical system. The government here is not exceeding its bounds. The so called civil disobedience which is a ridiculous term in this instance is due to some people wanting revenge pure and simple they do not want truth just REVENGE and at any cost.. Kind of like the Klan used to do.. dont hear the truth just lynch em.. because one of their own was killed. and by rioting and stealing they are just showing what idiots they really are. They are stealing and looting from their own neighbor hood and most likely the store owners are of their own race and or even their friends. Where were all the riots when OJ killed Nicole? Or how about this one... While Ferguson, Missouri, burns with racism and rioting, misinformation and mayhem over the Michael Brown shooting, another American city is also grappling with the death of an unarmed young man at the hands of police. The incident occurred just two days after the Ferguson event, but, unlike in that case, where a white cop shot a black youth, in this instance the races are reversed. Unlike in Ferguson, there is no allegation that the young man attacked the officer. And there is another difference: The national media, Attorney General Holder, and Barack Obama are silent. Where are the riots for that? And where is the media coverage? should I start looting and pillaging stores because of a black cop shot a white unarmed man??? What do those poor store owners have to do with it??? That would be the dumbest insane thing ever, for people to loot stores because someone shot someone of another race... That is NOT civil disobedience. That is being a low life vandal and nothing more. Civil disobedience is when the Bundy ranch was being taken over by BLM ( government) and killing cattle and the Family and friends stood with him and tried not to let that happen. Go be a white person now and walk the streets of Missouri see how good it goes for you let me know if you live.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 00:08:10 +0000

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