Bill Shorten is a total FCUKWIT.... 1. It was your ALP that - TopicsExpress


Bill Shorten is a total FCUKWIT.... 1. It was your ALP that opened the flood gates to ISLAMIC INVADERS. 2. Billy Boy, thank god this islamic dog is no longer in australia. 3. Bill why are you a MUSLIM APOLOGIST??? 4. Is the ALP that desperate for the Muslim Vote? As a parent, I have no idea how you could ever let your child to be in that situation, he told reporters in Melbourne. Mr Shorten demanded an explanation from the government as to how Sharrouf was able to bypass the passport system to travel to Syria under its watch. He also cautioned the government against using the image to legitimise its beefing up of counter-terrorism laws. I would be careful about using that shocking, evil image for purposes it shouldnt be used for, he said.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 22:19:36 +0000

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