Bill Shorten uses Australia Day eve speech to renew Australian - TopicsExpress


Bill Shorten uses Australia Day eve speech to renew Australian republic debate Date January 25, 2015 - 3:32PM James Massola Political correspondent Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has urged Australians to support an Australian republic and head of state, arguing it would reflect the nations modern identity, our place in our region and our world. In an Australia Day eve speech to mark the launch of a new book titled Mateship, by author Nick Dyrenfurth, Mr Shorten also called for constitutional recognition of the First Australians and a mature debate about Australias place in the world, and about the nations history. The opposition leader said that just 114 years ago, Australians found the courage and goodwill to transform this continent into a Commonwealth, in the 21st Century, let us live up to their example – let us declare that our head of state should be one of us. Let us rally behind an Australian republic – a model that truly speaks for who we are: our modern identity, our place in our region and our world, he said. In a subsequent press conference, Mr Shorten said that while he was not yet pushing for a second referendum on the proposal, after 16 years it was time for a debate on national identity. I think what we should do is have that discussion with people. Not one with acrimony or politics or finger pointing, but do we in the 21st century think we should have an Australian head of state? he said. It cant just be a debate between A-list celebrities; it has to be something which all Australians are engaged in. Mr Shorten also said that while Australia Day should be celebrated, it was important that Australians also confronted the lows and tragedies of Australian history, such as the Myall Creek massacre. I dont think shirking it with the great Australian silence solves anything. We need to recognise our history. Mateship, he said, reminds us of a timeless truth: real patriots dont try and justify or excuse their nations flaws and failings and anachronisms – they get on and fix them. True patriots dont shrink from historical truth – they welcome it, they learn from it. True patriots know that until a nation includes everyone – in its history, in its society, in its economy – then there is always more to do. The opposition leader said Australians were tired of people claiming victory in the history wars - as if the Australian story has to be fought to the last man and the last footnote. We gain nothing from boiling down our history to a bland mish-mash myth of the Rum Rebellion and Burke and Wills, Bodyline and the stump-jump plough, the Victa Mower and Olympic gold. There is nothing wrong with celebrating those moments and achievements – but it is wrong to pretend that they represent the limit of our national capabilities – or our national ambitions. And he criticised Prime Minister Tony Abbotts assertion late last year, when welcoming UK Prime Minister David Cameron to the parliament, that former prime minister John Howard had settled the debate about Australias place in the world. No leader can end a conversation about our nations sense of self. No leader can settle the question of Australias global role and responsibilities. And no leader should take pride in trying. The book traces the history of mateship in Australia, with Mr Shorten describing it as a celebration of our national character. But Mr Shorten also noted the book acknowledged that Australian mateship had rarely included everyone, noting for example that at the turn of the 20th century, the Australian Workers Union was open to all workers but at the same time say: No Chinese, Japanese, Kanakas, Afghans or coloured aliens. The fact is, mateship has not always been there when our nation, our people needed it. After all, where was mateship at Myall Creek? Or at Lambing Flat? Where was mateship when governments and institutions worked together to take children from their mothers – because the mother was unmarried, or black? Follow James Massola on Facebook
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:20:00 +0000

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