Bill Sirwilliam For the benefit of those people who could not - TopicsExpress


Bill Sirwilliam For the benefit of those people who could not attend Wakefield I Would like to tell you what the main thrust of my speech was about. I m only doing this because when I was given the story to relay to the people, I was shocked and disgusted that I had heard nothing about it in the media. It was sad story about 5 people. 3 Young white girls 1 deluded white prick 1 deranged Muslim prick 2 of the girls were sisters, Eliza Frank and her younger sister Kim. The 3rd girl was the best friend of Eliza, called Samantha Sykes. The deluded prick is called Steven Harratt The deranged Muslim is Ahemd Otak This is what happened Otak and Eliza were in a on of relationship, which was by the accounts given in court was very violent. In march last year, Otak and both sisters were together in Elizas home, Otak was ranting how wrong it was that Kim and the friend Samantha wore short skirts and dated more than one boy. Now Kim the younger sister had had enough of his crap, and decided to leave. This pissed Otak off and as she got to the door he stabbed her to death, as she was dying he laughed spat on her and licked blood of the blade. Eliza was hysterical but he forced her to phone her best friend Samantha. Eliza phoned her friend hoping she would recognise the fear in her voice and not come around, however Samantha who new the type of person Otak was came round because she thought her friend needed her. As soon as she arrived Otak stabbed her in the gut and as she lay dying at his feet he slashed her 34 times with the blade. He then tied up Eliza and phoned one of his friends “ the deluded white idiot” Steven Harratt, and asked him to help him leave the country. Harratt admitted in court he new Otak had done something terrible but decided to help him escape, he supplied Otak with money clothes and a sat nav. He brought these items to Otak and also admitted in court that as he helped Otak set up the sat nav , to guide Otak to Dover, he saw that Eliza was tied up in the car and that Otak still had the knife, but still he continued to help. Otak got to Dover with his captive, however a concerned citizen noticed something was wrong and intervened which allowed Eliza to raise the alarm. The police arrived and arrested Otak and Eliza. Eliza was arrested because Otak told the police she was his accomplice in the murders, and even tho she had been tied and restrained in the car”as the good citizen reported”. She was help in custody for 3 days before the police realized she was a victim and let her go. The outcome of this sad tale is as followers. Otak was sent to prison for life and has to serve 34 years before he can apply to be released. The deluded white prick has been found guilty and is out on police bail, waiting to go back to court , where the judge has warned him he will face serious prison time for his part in this travesty. The outcome 2 incent white girls brutally murdered. 1 evil bastard locked up. The second getting ready to face jail. 1 white girl who has been under care of a mental heath team since her release from custody. The reason this was highlighted is as follows, I have never seen anything about this in the press, nether had anybody else. Otak was a asylum seeker who claimed he could not go back to Afghanistan because he was in fear for his life. There is more detail in the story I have relayed to you, because it was not possible to put everything in to the speech on the day. I will close on this thought the government has admitted that in the UK today there is 200 000 failed asylum seekers lost in the country somewhere , now if the government admits this figure you could probably double it. So that means we have between 200, 400 000 people lost in the country who’s past history we don’t know anything about. My question is this how many more Otaks are roaming our streets.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 06:42:31 +0000

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