Bill of Rights First Amendment The Bill of Rights was an act of - TopicsExpress


Bill of Rights First Amendment The Bill of Rights was an act of reconciliation by the Federalist to Anti-Federalist opposition in order to gain the Anti-Federalist support for the new Constitution. The amendments of the Bill of Rights were complied by the States in order to secure specific rights to themselves against the authority of the newly established general government; the States considered themselves free and independent republics (see Declaration of 1776), and one of these rights to be retained by the States is enumerated in the First Amendment and it was the right to determine their own religious destiny. Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…” The limitation of the First Amendment is that “Congress” not the States ”shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion” and Congress shall not “prohibit” the States from the “the free exercise, thereof.” Thereof what? To establish religion. Before and after the adoption of the Bill of Rights, the newly formed American republics had the right and continued the right in the support of state sanctioned Christian denominations; for example, Massachusetts and New Hampshire supported congregationalism, and Maryland supported the Anglican church, and even after the First Amendment adoption...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 17:23:44 +0000

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