Bill to prohibit naming crime gangs after their hometown Rep. - TopicsExpress


Bill to prohibit naming crime gangs after their hometown Rep. Henry S. Oaminal (2nd District, Misamis Occidental) has filed a bill declaring as a criminal offense the practice of the police authorities of naming crime gangs after their hometown or ethnic community. Oaminal said House Bill 4758 prohibits the Philippine National Police (PNP) and other police agencies from using the names of places of origin of suspects in describing crime suspects, felons, wrongdoers, offenders and other malefactors. This police predisposition does not only smear and besmirch the name of the town or city but also the innocent people therein, Oaminal said. Oaminal said when the police fail to forthwith solve a crime, they promptly and facetiously tag the suspects with appellations or monikers, which dovetail with the manner of the commission of the crime. Worst and far more unwarranted is the police predilection to identify criminals and gangsters from their suspected places of origin. Thus, we have the Ozamis Gang, the Ilonggo Gang and the Waray-Waray Gang, to name a few. Simply because the suspects have that regional diction or are friends with one or two from the area, they are dubbed as such, Oaminal said. Imagine being tagged as the town mate or barangay mate of a certain criminal. Certainly, there can be far more congruous ways for the authorities to label felons and criminals, Oaminal said. The bill has been pending before the House Committee on Public Order and Safety chaired by Rep. Jeffrey Ferrer (4th District, Negros Occidental) since August 2014. Likewise, Oaminal said when a popular jewelry shop was robbed by breaking the glass enclosure with hammers the perpetrators were quickly named the Martilyo Gang. When another gem robbery wrenches were used to crush the glass container, they were swiftly appended the Wrench Gang, Oaminal said. Under the bill, members of the police authorities who violate the proposed act face six months to six-year imprisonment. Oaminal said it is a declared policy of the government to promote the general welfare of the citizens, value their dignity and guarantee full respect for their rights by protecting them from being cast out due to the notoriety of the gangs attributed to their place of residence. SOURCE: Media Relations Service, Public Relations and Information Bureau
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:20:50 +0000

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