Billions Of People Are Going to Hell !! By David J. - TopicsExpress


Billions Of People Are Going to Hell !! By David J. Stewart You can’t disagree with the math! 6,000,000,000 people will all be dead in 100 years! (ok, maybe 99.9%). How many people live to be 100? NOT MANY! By dividing 70 into 6,000,000,000, we found that 85,000,000 humans will die every year on average (more or less from year to year, but all will be dead in approximately 70 years). We also found that dividing 365 days into 85,000,000 means that an average of 232,000 humans die every day. Now, let’s say that one in ten people are genuine born-again Believers. We are clearly told in Matthew 7:14 that few people ever make it to heaven!, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT” (Matthew 7:14; Luke 13:23,24). How tragic! How horrible! Honestly, I would be very surprised if more than one out of every hundred people are truly saved and on their way to Heaven! Consider the billion people in China who know not the Lord Jesus Christ! Consider the countless hundreds of millions of Arabs (Islamic Muslims) who worship Allah and the prophet Mohammed. Consider the billion Catholics around the world that worship Mary and are trying to earn their way into Heaven through the keeping of the Seven-Sacraments and good works. On and on, religion and more religion! Countless billions of people are trusting in their religion to save them instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. Surely, nine out of ten people in this wicked world are bound for a Godless, eternal hell. I have no doubts whatsoever that 90% of the people in this world are going to Hell. Why? For one simple reason friend, they do not have the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. Their sins have not been forgiven. We estimated that 232,876 humans die every day on average. 232,876 minus 10 % equals 209,588 people that perish into hell fire and destruction every single day that passes. So roughly, 200,000 HUMANS PLUNGE INTO HELL FIRE EACH AND EVERY DAY! We also see that 23,287 people (10%) make it to Heaven each day on average. The number of people which die every day can’t be denied! You can argue concerning the percentage of people going to Heaven verses Hell; however, Matthew 7:14 clearly teaches that only a FEW people will enter into Heaven. MANY are going to Hell. As I mentioned, Id be surprised if more than 1% of the population are born-again believers. If you dont believe the Bible, then you had better hope to God that your right; If you believe the Bible just enough to obey it and call upon the saving name of Jesus Christ for salvation and the forgiveness of sins--you will be safe! We all must die and it’s guaranteed that were not going to escape death! It’s just a matter OF TIME! Prepare to meet thy God! Salvation is not found in religion, but in a person—Jesus Christ! Lets think a bit further on this shall we...
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 08:11:55 +0000

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