Billions Vatican PDF PDF Version iconPrintable The origin - TopicsExpress


Billions Vatican PDF PDF Version iconPrintable The origin of the current colossal wealth of the Catholic Church: The following is an excerpt from chapter 26 of the book The billions of Vatican by Avro Manhattan. The dramatic accumulation of wealth of the Catholic church is a relatively recent phenomenon. It began when the Holy See was deprived of the Papal States by the Italians in 1870. These states included Rome itself and had nearly a third of the Italian peninsula. It was then that the Catholic church ca began to accumulate wealth in the form of successful modern industrial and financial world. Its main bases were however raised by Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) during and after the First World War (1914-1918). This is the origin of the current Vatican policy, for which the investments of the popes and the church and should not be limited by political or religious considerations but should be treated solely on the basis of good business , practical and profitable. The Vatican at that time did not have the resources in cash he received from Italian fascism a decade later, but it was enough millions to invest in global markets. Benedict XV, to prove he was not joking when he promulgated the new policy promptly, invested most of the money from the Vatican. Where? In the shadow of the papal crusades! In real estate the Turkish Empire! This was the beginning of a road that would raise the Catholic Church in the higher ranks of billionaires companies of the twentieth century. In 1929, when the Lateran Treaty, the treasure of the Vatican State became an official funds. The same year, Mussolini gave more than 1,750 million lire (the equivalent of $ 100 million) in the Vatican as a final settlement of the Roman question. Pope Paul XI, no less good trader Benedict investing a large sum in the United States immediately after the fall of the markets. This movement was profitable because after the big depression of the 30s, the church drew huge profits when the U.S. economy recovered. But while investing heavily in the United States, the Vatican has been astute enough to invest a good portion of the compensation of the Lateran in Italy itself. The results, compared with the standards, were narcotics. It is estimated that the Holy See held at the time between 10 and 15 percent of all stocks and shares listed on the Italian Stock Exchange. The English magazine The Economist said: It could theoretically throw the Italian economy in great confusion if suddenly discharged all its shares to dump on the market. This was confirmed a few years later by the Italian Finance Minister when, in February 1968, he declared that the Vatican owned shares for approximately $ 100 billion lire. The wealth of the church, in addition to becoming a source of growing moral embarrassment, had become a financial dilemma. The church found itself burdened by his wealth, not only because of the laborious collection of money from thousands of organizations of religious, clerics and laity, but also because of the ability of financial brains since the Second world War have invested billions of Vatican worldwide with unparalleled dexterity. Their competence, with the help of the global intelligence at their disposal, has transformed millions Vatican billion. Creation of a special office investment The accumulation of such enormous wealth made random methods obsolete and even dangerous past. The Pope was forced to set up a special Prefecture of Economic Affairs. Prefecture, mainly led by Americans, French, German and other brain operated mainly outside Italy since the investments were distributed globally. The famous Jewish house of Rothschild - who also lent money to the Vatican from 1831 - stood out for buying, selling and merging million shares and other investments on behalf of Vatican. Financial operations of the Vatican may at times interfere with the semi-legality because of their diversity and their secret. Scandals erupted in the eighties to the astonishment of millions of Catholics and grief of many who sincerely believed that the Vatican was involved only in charitable operations. Overall, however, investments are monitored by financial experts whose experience is unmatched! Traditional financial operators are mostly a non-Catholic brotherhood Protestants, agnostics, non-Christians, Jews and even atheists. Its traditional financial transactions were handled for years by the large bank JP Morgan in New York (mainly U.S. investment), Ambros London British investments and Credit Suisse Zurich European investment - not to mention Vatican affairs, such as the Banco di Roma, Banco Commercial and Banco Spirito Santo. However, we must not forget that all the above, only species are counted as financial assets of the Holy See. We excluded estates, real estate, land, industrial and commercial enterprises owned and controlled by the Catholic Church in Italy, Spain, Germany, England, North America, Central and South. It is impossible to estimate the actual current value and immense possessions and real property of the church. Recall that the Vatican - or rather, the Catholic Church has thousands and thousands of churches, cathedrals, monasteries, convents and other buildings in the western world. What is the value, in current money, the land on which these buildings stand? What is the real value of the buildings themselves? If you give modest price for the humble churches and church halls, at what amount a real estate agent would consider it, for example, St. Patricks Cathedral in New York, or Notre Dame de Paris and St. Peters Rome, to name a few? Affirm that these goods are not the property of the Catholic Church, means that the communist dictatorship has nothing because all assets are held by the people. When the Catholic Church sells a parcel of land or buys a Bishop in the act sign function, which means that the seat becomes the owner or receives money from its sale. If the operation is located in the diocese or compensates by national or by the Vatican hierarchy, the latter is not relevant, since it relates directly owned by the Catholic Church. The government collects millions for Vatican In some countries, not only the church evades tax but the state itself collects tax on his behalf. This absurdity has been one of the most extraordinary features of Germany which forces German citizens to pay a Kirchensteuer (denier of the church). He was first inspired by the Constitution of Weimer in 1919 and confirmed by the pact between Hitler and the Vatican in their Concordat of 1933 Kirchensteuer was constitutionalized in 1949 after the Second World War Mondiale.Le Catholic government -. They are Christian Democrats - has not only imposed the tax of the church on a reluctant population but has the state machinery at the disposal of the church. This cash government tax imposes its payment and remits the money collected at the church. Before the Second World War, German citizens were paying an average of two or three marks per year, in 1972, the amount reached between fifty five and sixty marks. Therefore, in Germany, in addition to the financial benefits due to its clever infiltration of giants (as well as Italy and the United States), the coffers of the Vatican were reconstituted with additional millions of Kirchensteuer to the tune of some $ 350 million per year. The plan is the result of political Catholicism which dominated postwar life for so long. The largest broker in the world Therefore, once the assets of the Catholic Church were gathered, she became a stockbroker most formidable in the world. The Wall Street Journal said that the Vaticans financial transactions in the U.S. have been so great that very often it sold or bought once of gold worth a million dollars or more. That is why the Vatican has been, and is still accumulating wealth and the most formidable owner of property that is. Nobody knows for sure how weighed or weighing the Catholic Church, or its value in terms of dollars or other currencies, not even the Pope himself. This is the real situation confirmed by a Vatican official who when asked to estimate the wealth of todays Vatican has responded very revealing Only God knows. Avro Manhattan
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:33:35 +0000

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