Billy Grahams Message Topic:- Retreat! Stand! Advance! But - TopicsExpress


Billy Grahams Message Topic:- Retreat! Stand! Advance! But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness (1 Timothy 6:11). ITwas cold, cloudy and rainy as the Dakota(a settlement area for the american natives) got into position, warmed its motors taxied down the runway, zoomed into the air, circled the airport and rose into the clouds, which for a few moments were so thick that nothing was visible. Then, quick as a flash, we burst into the light of the glorious Mediterranean sun. Far to the right we could see, through broken patches in the clouds, the blue Mediterranean. In front of us lay the great Alps of Italy. Below was the beautiful coast of the French Riviera, which we could scarcely see because of the thick cloud formations. Cruising at one hundred and sixty miles an hour, we were soon twelve thousand feet in the air. The great mountain peaks that have made the Alps(a mountain range in western Europe, running fron France to Austria, with its highest peak Mont Blanc at 4808 meters) world-famous could be seen jutting through the clouds as they made their way skyward. Soon the stewardess pointed out Mont Blanc. Far in the distance we could see Wetterhorn, where only a few days before the thrilling rescue of marooned passengers had taken place. The thing that attracted our attention, however, was the fact that all the valleys were filled with clouds and we knew that below it was cold and raining. High above the clouds, on the mountain peaks, the sun was warm, glorious and brilliant. The clouds, instead of being gray, dark and gloomy, were white and wispy. The snow-covered peaks were brilliant and glistening with the many colors of a rainbow. After what seemed to be only minutes we were told to fasten our seat belts because we would be landing in Geneva, Switzerland. Sure enough, the plane began to descend through the clouds into the valley of lovely Lake Geneva. As we got out of the plane it seemed as if we were in another world. It was dark, foggy. A sprinkling rain, mixed with snow, was falling, and our spirits, which had been so high just a few moments ago while we were soaring above the clouds, had fallen, and we were depressed. We longed to be above the clouds and in the sunlight of the mountain peaks. We could hardly wait until we got to our hotel, changed our clothes and took a train that would carry us far above the clouds to a sunny winter sports resort on some high mountain slope. Many of you have experienced the thrill of flying above the storm and clouds and I am sure that you, on many occasions, have thought, as I have, how that experience is paralleled in our spiritual lives. Wherever I go, young people have virtually the same problems, most of which revolve around two or three pivots. Christian young people often ask me, How can I get the joy and thrill of Christian living that you have been talking about? I have not been living above the clouds: I have been living in the valleys. I am miserable in my Christian experience. A young worldling said to me the other day. You Christians seem to have a religion that makes you miserable. You are like a man with a headache. He does not want to get rid of his head, but it hurts him to keep it. You cannot expect outsiders to seek anything so unfavorable! Is that true in your life? Have you been living an up and down experience? I am convinced that it is possible for young people to have lives of inward rest and outward victory. It is your birthright. Many of you can remember the shout of triumph your soul gave when you first met Jesus Christ! How sure you were of victory then! How easy it seemed to be more than a conqueror through Him that loved you! Under the leadership of such a general you can never be foiled in battle, yet how different has been the experience of many of you! Your victories have been few and fleeting, your defeats many and disastrous. You have not lived as you think a Christian ought to live. Perhaps you have a good understanding of doctrinal truths and you know a few Scripture verses and have made a study of the Bible: possibly you believe in Christ, you talk about Him and you know you are saved; but somehow there is something wrong. In the very depths of your heart and soul you realize that your experience is not a scriptural experience. Many of you have given up in despair and have said, It is impossible. All I can expect is an alternate life of victory and despair. I must always live in the valley! I can never enjoy the sunshine of the sunny mountain slopes! It is impossible always to fly above the clouds. Is that your experience? Stay tuned for nt thru.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:12:49 +0000

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