Billye Brim Blog Shalom From Honolulu Dec 10, 2014 I’m - TopicsExpress


Billye Brim Blog Shalom From Honolulu Dec 10, 2014 I’m sitting on my balcony with a view of the beautiful blue Pacific. Through the wonder of modern flight, just yesterday (We lived Tuesday twice due to crossing the International Date Line) I looked out my window at the coast line of the Indian Ocean. Every time I am in a hotel on the shore of the mighty seas, I think of how the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said: Job 38:8 “…who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb, 9 when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, 10 and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors, 11 and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther, I always think, They could build this hotel here at the edge of the sea because the Creator set limits for the waters and said, “This far shall you come, and no farther.” In the margin of my Bible I have noted the seashores upon which I have read this declaration of our LORD: Mediterranean, Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Baltic…. How Great Is Our God!!!!! Perth, Australia Great church! Great people! Great meetings! Hannah, too, was blessed to get to minister to the youth at Dr. Margaret Court’s church. Thank God for Noon Prayer Arrived in Honolulu yesterday at around 10:00 Tuesday morning. Total travel time including getting up very early to leave Perth took about 20 hours. And yet we arrived in Honolulu at just about the same time we left Sydney. (We crossed the very large continent of Australia from Perth to Sydney on the first leg of journey.) We lived Tuesday, December 9 twice!!! We were greeted in Honolulu with beautiful leis! As we were walking around last evening, a local commented on what nice quality they were. Yet, we sensed in the words and manner of the gracious lady who met us, there were challenges. I don’t know what they were. I just saw the concern in her. For one thing, I learned the people who had said they would pick up at least part of hotel bills had a change of mind. So I thought, I need to rest. I will just roll this over on the Lord. And tomorrow, I will roll it over on the WWP’s to attend to in prayer. Somehow I felt the same thing many must feel when they send us e-mails to the effect that Wednesday Noon Prayer is a highlight of their week! Oh! Praise the Lord for the privilege of Prayer. Noon today in Branson was 8 in the morning here in Honolulu. I woke up after a good night’s sleep and tuned in. The picture was bright and clear. I probably shed a tear or two when I saw Brenda and the faithful pray-ers who come out to Prayer Mountain to pray with each other and God’s children around the world. Finances I shared with the pray-ers the above how the enemy has attempted to affect our finances. For instance, our Autumn Assembly and First Nations Awakening Meetings were so successful spiritually. However, the offerings for the AA were down about half. And, we needed them to be up to carry the First Nations Meeting. Praise the Lord for His being our Source! And for faithful partners being His channel of blessing to us and to others. I do know that many of you, as I do, are making end-of-year donations. Other countries do not get a tax benefit for donations to the work of the Lord. I know that He supports all works everywhere. But I feel the tax benefits our government allows are for the sake of blessing to our government more than they are to the taxpayers. It is one way God blesses America. If you are considering an end-of-year donation to the Lord’s work through us, I do thank you. And, if you could send it in early, it would carry with it great encouragement to those in this ministry who pay the bills! One of whom is my son, Terry! Merry Christmas to All! In the warm, warm climates of Australia and Honolulu, there are still the lights and signs of Christmas. Ever since I ministered in the USSR during communist days, and found how the Christians had to celebrate in secrecy, I have appreciated every Christmas light that shines brightly. They are all testimonies to the Life that changed everything! And to the First Coming of our Savior! I have been so conscious on this ministry trip of how blessed I am to proclaim His Soon Coming!!!!!!! Love in Him, Billye Brim
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:59:25 +0000

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