Bio Bangladesh Awami League is th Bangladesh. It originated in the - TopicsExpress


Bio Bangladesh Awami League is th Bangladesh. It originated in the hopes and aspirations of the peo It is the party that gave leaders is one of those political parties i were led and won, tearing apart League represents the mainstre democratic and nationalist politi This half-a-century- old party ha struggle against autocracy and C domination. Its greatest achieve from the colonial rule of Pakista helped blossom the Bangalee na undying monument of that gran Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Ra leadership to the people and the Liberation. Since then, the party has communalism, to nourish the no institutionalize democracy throu government. Therefore, as a political party, A in the overall development of th the process of building a nation- its role as the people- oriented p political, social and economic ag masses of the country. We plan to elaborate on some of long history of struggle over the last •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The inception of Awami League: •••••••••••••••••••••••••• It is known to all that, in 1940, S Resolution incorporating the ide subcontinent. According to this r comprising the Bangla speaking completely sidetracked when In Jinnah’s Two-nation Theory, and with two wings separated by a entirely different lands, languag could not solve the problem of B repressive policies of the Pakist brought the question of Bangale backdrop, within 4 months and student’s organization named E the leadership of the then young Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Januar leaders and workers known to b was held at ‘Rose Garden’ of K. named Awami Muslim League Bhashani as chair, Shamsul Haq Mujibur Rahman (then interned i Treasurer. It was the first oppsit East Pakistan). In a process of se dropped from the name of the p championed the cause of the pol relentlessly for the attainment o League inherits the legacy of th Sheikh Hasina is the present pre •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Language Movement and the Str •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Bangalee people living on th revolt on the question of the sta the non-Bangalee rulers of Pakis biased against the various natio language of the majority people alongside Urdu. Rather they trid Pakistan. The people of East Ben blatant injustice and a strong m state language. Both Awami Lea evolved through this Language leaders of these two parties pla movement. Bangabandhu Sheik mentioned in this regard. On March 11, 1948 he led a siege arrested along with some of his the Racecourse of Dhaka (now S first Governor General of Pakista shall be the state language of Pa Bangabandhu raised their voice Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became government for a number of rea the language movement, his pro the Muslim League government, employees of Dhaka University and again. He was still in jail wh started in 1952. He got himself t College on medical ground and e Through chits smuggled out of th the movement. On February 16, associate late Mohiuddin Ahmed isolating them from the outside Faridpur Jail. Bangabandhu was hunger strike added a new dime Movement. The police opened fir 1952, killing several persons. Thi history of the Leberation struggl It should bementioned here that conducted under the aegus of a Language Action Committee. It League played a leading role in i the Constituent Assembly-every relentlessly for the cause of mot Constituent Assembly, Bangaban important whether we know an Bangla in this House.” When ne Bangla language and Bangalee c organized a strong protest move Ayub regime. In 1974, after the Liberation of delivered his speech in the UN in language in the world arena. His Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina can j once again : it was due to her in 1999) the 21st of February as th on, February 21, the day of mart world every year in recognition communities of the world. The g acquired international recogniti •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Election of the United Front : •••••••••••••••••••••••••• In March 1954, an election of the which is known as the United Fr under the leadership of the mai Front to fight the electoral battl formally inaugurated in Decemb e-Bangla A. K. Fazlul Huq, Maula Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as Chief socio-economic programme as it language issue’ and ‘the deman points. The election symbol of th winning 300 seats out of 309. Th the 237 muslim seats, United Fro among the members by winning marked a watershed in the polit suffered a crushing defeat; it w East Bengal. For the Bangalees it Front Government formed under central Gvoernment of Pakistan power. Bangalees were outrage of the Pakistani ruling clique. Th important role in the evolution o nationhood. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• A Step towards secularization :- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Since the beginning, Awami Lea term ‘Muslim’ was appended to t foundation as a political tactic o communal birurcation, and in 19 opposition political party with a separate election system for def in Pakistan. The founding father opportune to hide their intentio time being. Meanwhile, through Movement, the United Front elec that election created a secular p favour of ‘non-communal combi whice Awami League can claim initiative of Bangabandhu Sheik the Party, the three-day 3rd cou Dhaka on 21-23 October, 1953. I in the name of the party was ad party was renamed ‘East Pakist political decision, as a result of caste, creed and colour. The secu institutionalized and perfected. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Formation of government, split i •••••••••••••••••••••••••• In August 1956, the governor of the provicial government. The A month with Ataur Rahman Khan Party, as the Chief Minister. His c Rahman. Bangabandhu was entr Ministry of Industries, commerce about two years. Inspite of a ser government, the Awami League some important steps in various problem of food-shortage, the re to the landless peasants, the gra Language Movement martyrs, th holiday, the observance of Pahel establishment of a Veterinary C Factory and Savar Dairy Farm an Bangabandhu played a very stro We must note here a singular ev rule. Bangabandhu was concurre Secretary and a cabinet minister of the Organization and the mini keeping any of the two posts. T Bangabandhu unhesitatingly ma the post of the party secretary. T the party organization. This rare the central force in Awami Leag above everything else. Incident opted for ministership and left t formation of government in East Huseyn Shaheed Shhrawardy for League and was backed by the September 1956-11 October 195 Suhrawardy government to do a the AL administration took a fe ‘parity’ policy with a view to les wings of Pakistan; the holding o Dhaka (for the first time); the pa communal joint electorate syste Marketing Corporation; taking st of trade and commerce in East B the river transport system and The civil and military bureaucrac administration since the very in government of Suhrawardy succ view to basing the fledgling do the need for holding a general el These bold steps taken by the Sh hold a general election unnerve Iskander Mirza. It was at his beh himself had helped found) with Immediately after this Presiden One big event for Awami Leagu in the party The two top leaders having a difference of opinion f policy of Pakistan. Bhasani was Suhrawardy fovoured strong lin Particularly with Amirica. Suhra assessment of the contemporary leaders of Awami League under the Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujibur Ra February 7-8, 1957, Bhasani host Tangail. There the division of op be forestalled at Kagmari Counci resigned his post of party Presid of the 37 members of the Worki Bhasani. On July 25-26, 1957, Bh Rupmahal Cinema of Dhaka. The Party’ was formed with Bhasani joined NAP. In this time of crisis, reins of the party in his hands. M party president in the place of M left his post in the provincial mi reorganization of the party. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Anti-Ayub Movement :- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• On OCtober 7, 1958, President Ge Pakistan. Within 20 days of this, Khan in a counter coup. Ayub’s d was abrogated; the national and political activities were prohibit activists including Bangabandhu By passing the notorious ‘EBDO’ the popular leader H. S. Suhrawa Measures were taken to stifle th introduced the so-called ‘Basic D ‘Electoral College’ with the ulteri arranged for the framing of a ne ‘Basic Democracy’ concept on a t In spite of all repressive measur surreptitiously organising group meetings possible movement against the presented itself, when the gove 1962. The news of the arrest spr in educational institutions and c were put up on the city walls. In Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Ra publication of the Report on Edu constituted by Ayub Khan, adde demanded the immediate withd and inimical to Bangla language opened fire on the agitating pub named Babul. The day (Septemb ever since. This incident gave ris to withhold the Sharif Commissi movement, attempts were mad Khan. On June 24, 1962, nine em a statement opposing the new c democracy. This is known as ‘th and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibu Awami League. Within a short ti multi-party alliance nemed ‘Nati his release from prison, the lead Suhrawardy took the leadership Political rallies in both the wing awakening among the people. S irreparable loss to NDF. Under th Rahman, the decision to revive residence in Dhanmondi Road n The Presidential election of Paki Basic Democracy (the electoral c meagre chance of winning the e decided to fight it out jointly. Wi Awami League a united front na formed on July 21, 1964. Miss Fa candidate of COP for the Preside election, her election campaign the provincial capital, Ayub Kha positive result that emerged fro hollowness and anti-people char •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Communal riots of 1964 :- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Awami League believes in com against communalism. In 1964, and the Hindu communities in D elsewhere. Things were compou clashing in several places. As the looting and arson went on in full homeless. The Ayub government divert the anti-government sent view to countering this commun under the aegis of Bangabandhu “Stand up in Resistance, East Pa hundreds and thousands. Banga for this and the government star •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The 6-point Programme: The ‘Me •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The 1965 Indo-Pak War came as an War, East Bengal became compl Pakistanis were left to their fat the Pakistani rulers kept themse fronters. This exposed the extre the Bangalee people. In this bac Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Ra programme. His purpose was to Bengal for self determination an Pakistani colonial state-system. Point 1: Pakistan shall be a Federal State formed by a legislature elected Point 2: The federating units or the provi relations and defence. Point 3: There shall be two separate but of Pakistan. Or, alternatively, th that the Federal Bank shall take money from East Pakistan to We Point 4: The federating units or province government, of course, shall hav Point 5: Separate accounts shall be main two wings. The foreign exchang control of the respective wings. conducting trades with foreign c Point 6: The federating provinces shall b for their own defences. No sooner had the 6-point progr ‘secessionisrt’ and styled its aut Pakistan. Ayub also threatened t demands. But Awami League an remained undaunted by such thr contact programme which took the public meetings, Amidst thu programme as demands to save arresting him now in Sylhet, no Bangabandhu was arrested eigh movement. By then Bangabandh He was finally thrown into jail o over East Pakistan in support of Bangabandhu. The police fired in people. This was followed by lar Awami League throughout the c regime proved counter-producti demand of the common masses. Students which complemented the 6-poin in East Pakistan became extrem explosion of popular anger thro rule. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Agartala Conspiracy Case & t •••••••••••••••••••••••••• President Ayub Khan of Pakista growing disturbances caused by January 1968, a false case was i history as the Agartala Conspira were accused of treason and co Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Ra principal accused and the case it Mujibur Rahman and Others.” Pr accused. On june 19, 1968 the tri There was great turbulence in E community started a united mo the 6-point programme of Bang demands. They defied the sectio barricades put by the East Pakist thousands. People from all walk “We’ll break the locks of the jail Sheikh Mujib, Sheikh Mujib’, etc. ordered shooting in different pla an extent that the rebellious mo Dhaka city. During this moveme leader of Dhaka University, Dr. S and Matiur, a school student of D Agartala Conspiracy Case were Government was forced to grant Mujibur Rahman and withdraw t mammoth gathering in the then Race accorded a grand reception. Ami gathered there. Sheikh Mujib wa of Bengal). On March 25, 1969, A shame and ignominy. The decad •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The elections of 1970: Awami Le •••••••••••••••••••••••••• General Yahya Khan succeeded the general elections to be held elections were held on the basis distribution of seats in terms of Awami League decided to fight determination for the Bangalee programme; its election symbol Bangabandhu termed the electio During this time, on November 1 Southern Bengal, killing half a m showed extreme callousness in League capitalized on this issue stunning victory in these electio It bagged 72.57% of the total vo provincial Assembly elections al 389% of total votes cast. Awam National Assembly and all the 1 net result was, Awami League e Pakistan National Assembly wit side, Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Pak western wing) and emerged as were the last general elections •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Non-Cooperation Movement, the Preparations for the War of Libe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Awami League’s attainment of the Pakistani rulers. They could that the Bangalee would now w constitution based on the 6-poin thing happen. Therefore they st results were out. Along with the Peoples Party joined in this pala On January 3, 1971, Awami Lea arranged an Oath-taking ceremo National and the Provincial Asse Awami league MPs took a solem on the basis of the 6-point and t convened the opening session of the 1st of March, he postponed t of this postponement spread, th dismay. People came out to the closed down. In protest of Yaha March 2 and 3 in entire East Ben but the angry mobs broke the cu killing and Wounding hundres. T sea. This was the time of the up was Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Bangladesh) became the War-cr people chanted, “Take up arms, “Great leader of a great nation, student-mass-gathering in front of national flag of Bangladesh (a re ‘Bangladesh’ printed in yellow o events in a quick succession. On ‘manifesto of the independent B meeting at Paltan Maidan; Indep Committee was formed; an all-o Pakistani rulers started under th the virtual ruler of the province. by the public. From March 2 to M all political and civil power in Ea offices, the Secretariat, autono television, Banks and Insurance defied the order of the Pakistan by Bangabandhu from his Road became the de facto head of go No. 10 Downing Street of the Bri During this time, the most signif Bangabandhu addressed a mam Race Course Maidan. About a mil that fateful day in the annals of that day laid the foundation-sto gave a green signal for starting poetic lines: “Our struggle this ti time is the struggle for indepen been compared with the Geatty this short speech, Bangabandhu exploitaton and the deprivation of conflicts with the Pakistani ruler cooperaton movement, hinted a enemy attack. He said, “Building enemy with whatever you have lot more blood we shall give if n country, insha Allah... The strugg the struggle this time is the stru This electrifying declaration by independence of Bangladesh. Bu sagacity of not making the decla ‘wait and see’ policy in order to government. A UDI would be dis •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Great War of Liberation and •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The military junta of Yahya Kha majority party, Bangabandhu Sh attempt to hoodwink the Bangal military preparations complete f ammunition from West Pakistan March 25, at midnight, they led a Dhaka and other places. Thus be most heinous and barbarous gen midnight in the early hours of M independence of Bangladesh. He independence to his party leade the then East Pakistan Rifles. The message read: “The Pakistani Army has launch Pilkhana and the Police Line at R city. Street fights are going on i viliantly fighting for liberating t of Almighty Allah, this is my app Police, the EPR, the Bengal Regi compromise; the victory must b motherland. Reach this message all other patriotic and freedom l With the army crackdown on th independence by Bangabandhu the armed War of Liberation of t junta arrested Bangabandhu frm immediately after the declarati taken to West Pakistan. In order constitutional basis and to cond leadership, the Awami League l issued a statement on April 10, declaration of independence’. It read: “According to the verdict given of the elected representatives, constituent Assembly on the bas establishment of equality, huma Bangladesh a sacred duty enjoin transforming Bangladesh into a earlier declaration of independe declaration of independence wil In the same declaration, Bangab President and the Commander-i government of the People’s Rep the Mujibnagar Government) wi President in the absence of Bang On April 17, 1971, the ‘Mujibnag Baidyanattala of Meherpur distri Awami League leaders, freedo number of common people. The following manner: President & the Commander-in-C Mujibur Rahman Acting President : Syed Nazrul Is Prime Minister : Tajuddn Ahmed Minister of Foreign Affairs : Kha Finance Minister : Caption M. Man Home Minister : A H M Kamaruzz This provisional Government of Liberation in the name of Banga government, the Liberation War (Bangladesh freedom fighters) f force. The freedom fighters start Bangladesh and within months s confine themselves in their cant desperate attempt to break the out War between India and Paki army formed the Allied Forces u accorded formal recognitiion to i to an end on December 16, with Joint Command of Bangladesh a Dhaka. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Post-liberation period & the •••••••••••••••••••••••••• After the Liberation, Bangaband formidable challenge in the sphe was ravaged by the non-month l system, the posts and industries were factories and food silos, the villa marauding Pakistani soldiers. Al the staggering problem of the re those who were maimed by the the Pak army. Ten million refuge back and rehabilitated. The econ was nil; the food silos were emp millions was being forecast. Thi the devastating cyclone of 1973, owing to the Arab-Israeli War a political stability of the newbor defeated anti-liberation quarter campaign by setting jute godow police outposts and committing Bangabandhu had to confront th footing. On his return from his confinem devoted himself to this stupend successes of the Bangabandhu g (a) Restoration of communicatio clearing of mines at Chittagong (b) Rehabilitation of 10 million r (c) Granting of economic aid to t (d) Rehabilitation of narly 3 lakh (e) Sending of disabled freedom (f) Ensuring the return of the Ind (g) Framing of one of the world’ (h) Introduction of Parliamentar (i) Holding of general elections i (j) Reorganization of the Defenc (k) Appointment of the Kudrat-e scientific and secular education (l) The promulgation of a democ (m) Nationalization of 40 thousa (n) Winning of recognition by 14 (o) Siging the Ganges-Water Sha water for Bangladesh; etc, etc. In 1974, when the anti-liberatio Bangladesh felt the necessity of country under one banner. With Krishak-Sramik Awami League (24 programme called the ‘Second R to cement the national unity. As a improved considerably; the pric political stability returned to the
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 09:07:25 +0000

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