Bio Terrorism Attack, this a sad reality of the world that we live - TopicsExpress


Bio Terrorism Attack, this a sad reality of the world that we live in. Here is what you do (just in case) If you receive a bioterrorism threat or hear rumors of a threat, you should dial 911 or contact your local law enforcement authorities immediately. In most cases, threats of bioterrorism are hoaxes, but the threat should still be taken seriously and reported immediately to local law enforcement. In recent years, most false threats in the U.S. have alleged contamination with anthrax. If you receive something, such as a letter that alleges contamination with a biological agent, call 911 immediately. First, do not panic. Most threats turn out to be hoaxes. Avoid contact with the item. Immediately put the item down and do not open the item. Stay where you are and wait for public safety authorities to arrive. Notify other people not to enter the area where the threat has occurred. Turn off any fans, air conditioners or heaters. If you have already touched the item, avoid touching your face or mouth and immediately wash your hands. Local law enforcement and public health officials will determine if decontamination from a biological agent is warranted. If this does occur, persons may be advised to remove clothing and personal effects, place all items in plastic bags and shower using plenty of soap and water. Local law enforcement officials would collect any possibly contaminated materials for testing. Prepared by the Virginia Department of Health’s Office of Epidemiology, September 2001. Be Readi at readisystems
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 11:46:02 +0000

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