Biography Of The First Father Of Somaliland’s Education System - TopicsExpress


Biography Of The First Father Of Somaliland’s Education System History The Legend, Dad, Teacher, Politician, Father Of Brain Builder, Natural Intelligent, Man Of Common Sense, Creative, Vision of knowledge, Having Beneficial Objectives to Serve His People And The Nation’s hero ( Mr Mohamoud Ahmed Ali), Would Never Be Disappeared From Our Minds, He Has A Special Place In The Hearts Of The Somalilander’s Generations till to death. In colonial traditional Somaliland’s heros, Mr Mohamoud Ahmed Ali was mentally accadamic, who uses his common sense, and he starts first with free islamic schools to bring in parents, education was dispensed through informal systems of communal interaction. With the arrival of colonialism in the mid-late 19th century, formal porgrames of learning were slowly but steadily established. These were limited in scope and were essentially designed for the purposes of colonization. With independence in 1960. The Quranic Schools Qu’ranic Schools or Dugsi remain the basic system of traditional religious instruction in Somaliland, They provide Islamic education for children, thereby filling a clear religious and social role in the country. Known as the most stable local, non-formal system of education providing basic religious and moral instruction, their strength rests on community support and their use of locally-made and widely available teaching materials. The Qur’anic system, which teaches the greatest number of students relative to other educational sub-sectors, is oftentimes the only system accessible to Somalilanders in nomadic as compared to urban areas.To address shortcomings in religious instruction, the during British Somaliland administrations ( government) on its own part also subsequently established the Ministry of Endowment and Islamic Affairs, under which Qur’anic education can be regulated. Qu’ran teachers have a high esteem among the Somaliland community and are greatly revered. Those who teach the Qu’ran in the rural areas are rewarded with a number of animals from the children’s parents. While those who dwell in areas where the dominant income is from farms and farm products, the students would help the teacher in ploughing, harvesting and preparing the land in the farms. Immediately a child completes and momerises the Qu’ran several times, he will join other education forums in the mosques to learn other knowledge of Islam in areas such as Seylac, Berbera, Bulahar, Odweyne, Erigavo, in first stages, and in second stages Hargeisa, Lasanod, Borama, hahi, Lanmulaho, Sheikh., till it spreaded and widened through Somaliland as a whole. Somaliland’s Education during the colonial period The European colonialist soon after they took control of Somaliland started to impose education system that was inclined to their Christian churches. The education system by then was not up to date and the main aim of the colonialists were to produce mercenaries who will aid them in their work such as translators, clerk, cleaners, watchmen and chefs. Before the colonialist come, there were some efforts by some Somalilanders, who were educated abroad who were also the fathers of the Somalilanders education like of Mohamoud Ahmed Ali who propagated the modern system of education in Northern section of the country. It is also worth mentioning that in 1952, the first batch of Somaliland’s Scholars from Azhar reached the country and opened educational academies in 1959. In 1960 they, opened others in Buroa. Somaliland’s education during the civilian government After independence there were schools that were in the hands of the government like Amoud. Sheikh, and few of Intermediate Schools, with a lot of Primary educatyion. Likewise there were schools that taught Islamic studies, teacher’s college T.T.C, C.T.C, mechanical and technical schools, industrial teachings, business and economic studies as well as maritime studies. Formal and officially registered schools in the country were taught in two languages of instruction were Arabic in Primary, an English, In Intermediate and Secondary Schools.. There was no one single University and the Somali students used to flock to abroad to study there. In the academic year 1962/1963, students who have gone out of the country for further were about 1500 and were scattered in countries like Egypt, Italy and Russia. As a result of that, the students brought back divergent education system and culture. Education in the revolution period. When the military successfully took the command of the country in 1969, there was a change in the education system of the country since a new system of governance was announced for the county. In this regard, we can separate the new system into two phases, a phase that we praise it for the change it brought about and another that had its shortcomings. Unlike Mr M.A.Ali and his friend Mr Y. H . Adan, was challenged by the Military Government, and mixed up the system that was built by The somlilanders, having deep rooted legacy, and put Italian system on line, in which the separated schools of girls and boys were put together, the disappearance of Somalilander’s system made Mr Mohamoud Disappointed. Writing down the Somali language was also one=-significant achievement ushered in by the revolution. The Somali language writing harmonised the education curriculum and all other basic education in the country. Free education was also introduced in the country since the military took the reins of power. This made easy for all the people, paupers and the rich to have equal opportunity to study. The system of education was also turned into Somali as this helped the blackmailing The northern People who are more educated than southernees, the system of education become in jokes, because of English and Arabc Educators of Somalilanders, were compeled to learn Italian Language, to down grade the education of northernees one and avoid use of different languages. The Somali National University was formed in south, none in the North and it produced scholars who majored in different fields thus helping the people and the South., Initially, The EEC planed a University in Hargeisa, but that was stopped by the government and placed it instead A secondary first July to kil Somalilanders Education. Mr Mohamoud .A.Ali and Y.H.Aden Rejected, and faced two weeks jail in Hargeisa. The overall strategy of Mr Mohamoud was to overcome the rampant nature ignorance and illiteracy in the country. Campaigns were carried out to materialise such this objective. But the shortcomings of the system introduced by the revolution and military people was that all matter pertaining to education was centralised and only in the hands of the then government, which is widespread corruption and tribalism. There was moral decadence that was evident in the education system. One other aspect was increase in the departure of intellects and scholars from the country. Teachers were not well care for, institutionalisation of the Marxism in the country, implementation of the national work which made students to forget whatever they have learnt previously. Instrumental dilapidation and abject dysfunctional ministry of education, higher education, absence of the role of the government regarding the monitoring aspect, lack of training for the teachers, divergent education curriculum, and lack of teaching of patriotism and Somali environment studies among today’s student.. the record of Mr Mohamoud Ahmed Ali was more prefect than that introduced by the Military Government, he was northernees nationalist, hero, with one of the best intelegent, brained man in East African Countries. during his efforts of teaching Education In somaliland, he met many difficults to explain his views, that he want to forward his own people, there are so many situations to be killed, because people understand he is popularizing Christian Religion, but his people never of think what he want for them.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 22:48:44 +0000

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