Biology science Model Questions with Answers :- 1. Which one of - TopicsExpress


Biology science Model Questions with Answers :- 1. Which one of the following is responsible for guttation? (a) Root pressure (b) Transpiration (c) Photosynthesis (d) Osmosis Ans. (a) 2. Which one of the following blood vessels in mammals would normally carry the largest amount of urea? (a) Dorsal aorta (b) Hepatic portal vein (c) Renal artery (d) Hepatic artery Ans. (c) 3. Pressure exerted in the treachery elements of a xylem as a result of metabolic activity of roots which forces the water into xylem vessel and upwards into the stem for a certain height is (a) Osmotic pressure (b) Root pressure (c) Atmospheric pressure (d) Turgor pressure Ans. (b) 4. In what ways do lymph capillaries differ from blood capillaries?- (a) Lymph capillaries contain red blood cells (b) Lymph capillaries have a wall of only one cell layer (c) Lymph capillaries begin with blind ends throughout interstitial fluid (d) Contain plasma Ans. (c) 5. In a closed circulatory system, blood is completely enclosed within (a) The skeleton (b) Sinuses (c) Vessels (d) Hearts Ans. (c) 6. Which is the most correct statement? (a) Most of the water that filters into Bowman’s capsule is reabsorbed (b) One-half of the water that filters into Bowman’s capsule is reabsorbed (c) One-half of the glucose that filters into Bowman’s capsule is reabsorbed (d) None of the salts that are filtered in Bowman’s capsule are reabsorbed Ans. (a) 7. In which of the following groups of animal the heart pumps only deoxygenated blood? (a) Fishes (b) Reptile (c) Birds (d) Amphibians Ans. (a) 8. Which of the following parts of the nephron is least permeable to water? (a) Proximal tubule (b) Descending limb of the loop of Henle (c) Ascending limb of the loop of Henle (d) Collecting duct Ans. (c) 9. The mechanism of uric acid excretion in nephron is (a) Diffusion (b) Ultra filtration (c) Osmosis (d) Secretion Ans. (b) 10. Hemoglobin is found in (a) All invertebrates (b) Only in vertebrates (c) Earthworm and rabbit (d) Cockroach and earthworm Ans. (c) 11. The plasma resembles in is composition the filtrate produced in the glomerulus except for the presence of (a) Glucose (b) Amino acids (c) Proteins (d) Chlorides Ans. (c) 12. Indicate correct statement for man? (a) Arteries always carry oxygenated blood while veins always carry deoxygenated blood (b) Arteries are provided with valves while veins are devoid of valves (c) Arteries always carry blood away from the heart, while veins always carry blood towards the heart (d) Venous blood is returned to left auricle Ans. (c) 13. Antidiuretic hormone is put into the blood by the (a) Hypothalamus (b) Pituitary gland (c) Liver (d) Small intestine Ans. (b) 14. The smallest blood vessel in the body is a (a) Acapi1lary (b) Artery (c) Vena cava (d) Vein Ans. (a) 15. The reabsorption of glucose in a nephron occurs in (a) Loop of Henle (b) First half of proximal tubule (c) Distal convoluted tubule (d) Proximal part of collecting ducts Ans. (b) 16. Which of the following has no muscular walls? (a) Artery (b) Arteriole (c) Capillary (d) Vein Ans. (c) 17. The ultra structure has shown that in glomerulus of a nephron, the process of filtration mainly takes, place due to (a) Podocytes (b) Pores in blood capillaries (c) Basement membrane (d) Endothelium of the blood capillaries Ans. (b) 18. The cells constituting walls of the blood capillaries are known as (a) Parietal cells (b) Haemocytes (c) Oxyntic cells (d) Endothelial cells Ans. (d) 19. What percentage of the water that filters into the nephron is reabsorbed? (a) 25% (b) 75% (c) 85% (d) 99% Ans. (d) 20. Which of the following in NOT reabsorbed from the filtrate to the blood at the proximal tubule? (a) Glucose (b) Na (c) Plasma proteins (d) Water Ans. (c) 21. The exchange of materials between blood and interstitial fluid occurs only at the (a) Veins (b) Capillaries (c) Arteries (d) Arterioles Ans. (b) 22. About how much blood is in the circulatory system of an average person? (a) 1 liter (b) 2 liters (c) 5 liters (d) 10 liters Ans. (c) 23. The proteins present in blood and necessary for developing immunity to diseases are (a) Albumins and globulins (b) ? and ? globulins (c) ? globulins only (d) Albumins Ans. (c) 24. Lack of ant diuretic hormone (ADH) causes water loss from the body by (a) Increased water loss through expiration (b) Excessive urination (c) By combination of all the above factors (d) increased sweating Ans. (b) 25. Both erythrocytes and leucocytes are formed in the (a) Bone marrow (c) Arterial walls (b) Thymus (d) Lymph nodes Ans. (a)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:29:19 +0000

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