Biotechnology and World Hunger FEBRUARY 22, 2014 / 0 - TopicsExpress


Biotechnology and World Hunger FEBRUARY 22, 2014 / 0 COMMENTS The Potomac Post | Taha Khalid The use of biotechnology in the food world is promising and controversial; promising for its potential to end hunger and as a by-product poverty, and controversial because to date its benefits have been realized “primarily in rich countries to the advantage of farmers and not consumers to produce insect-resistant varieties.”1 By itself biotechnology is not capable of eradicating world hunger, that is, feed over one billion people while sustaining six billion more.2 However, genetic engineering combined with chemical and biological technologies could prove to be a power tool that allows for man to alter the genetics of consumable agriculture and the rate of its production thereby defeating hunger. Considered to be the greatest health risk globally, hunger kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined, according to the World Food Programme (WFP), the largest agency dedicated to fighting hunger. To comprehend the science behind not having enough food for global consumption is indeed complex layered with political underpinnings, scientific imperfections, economic motives of corporate greed and bottom line finance, and environmental degradation. In order to find a sustainable, ecological-friendly and economically viable solution will require the scientists, politicians, corporate manufacturers and international development specialists to unify their missions, visions and end-goals. According to England’s chief scientific advisor, John Beddington, “by 2030 the world will need to produce around 50 per cent more food and energy, together with 30 per cent more fresh water, whilst mitigating and adapting to climate change. This threatens to create a ‘perfect storm’ of global events.”3 Experts have been predicting that the next major world war and/or large-scale regional conflicts will stem from a lack of food and water. That is to say that we will no longer be fighting for hegemonic motives rather history books will feature the great wars on rice, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, etc. According to International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), hunger is a result of poverty. Poverty-alleviation efforts have become comical as is evidenced by the large multilateral agencies that are focused more on personal enrichment rather than helping their real clients, the world’s extreme poor. There is nothing funny, however, in witnessing the misguided efforts of those entrusted with ending poverty.4 Night after night the so-called experts retire comfortably with full-bellies and dreams of what espresso they will be gorging next morning. No matter how strong the temptation to expose those disguised as poverty alleviators, this threading of words is an attempt and an appeal to innovate the manner in which food is grown, consumed, profited from and distributed. Biotechnology is part of the puzzle that must be perfected if the world is to enjoy a peaceful co-existence; and parallel to the genetic and technological advancements must be the distribution logistics that is in need of serious retooling to avoid discarding of food. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations estimates that “more than 30% of the world’s food production ends up as garbage. That puts the annual food waste at a staggering 1.3 billion tons – or enough to feed 3 billion people.”5 The challenge of poverty eradication is possibly the greatest challenge of modern existence. Lack of a functioning economic paradigm debilitates those living in horrible conditions rendering them to seek aid as a means of survival. This does not contribute to their development of skills that in turn makes them beggars towards a black hole that destroys the socio-economic fabric of a sustainable economy. There is zero contribution towards empowerment of an individual and his/her community to find ways to
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:32:02 +0000

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