Bird migration is another amazing example of the Creator’s - TopicsExpress


Bird migration is another amazing example of the Creator’s infinite wisdom. Many birds migrate long distances each year with uncanny precision. Arctic terns hold the record for the longest migration. They travel from the North Pole to the South Pole and back again each year. Most birds that migrate long distances fly mostly at night. They do this because one of the main ways they navigate is by the stars. Studies have shown that even birds raised entirely indoors can orient themselves properly the first time they see the stars. Tests done in planetariums show that birds know which direction to fly even in an artificial sky if the stars are properly placed. But when the star alignment in the planetarium is confused, the birds are confused as well. How did birds acquire such abilities? They didn’t acquire them at all. They are inborn abilities designed into the birds by an intelligent Creator. Other bird instincts, such as the knowledge of how to construct so many different kinds of well–designed nests, also reveal the wisdom of the Creator. Every aspect of creation is filled with equally amazing wonders. How could this be if it all happened merely by chance? The clear answer is that it couldn’t. Creation occurred just as Scripture says it did. “And God saw that it was good” (v. 21). His own goodness is reflected in what He made. Even in our fallen state, we can see His goodness when we observe how carefully and flawlessly He designed what He made. All the wonderful sea creatures, from sea cucumbers to giant whales—and all the birds that fill our skies, from the common starling to the most magnificent eagle—demonstrate His infinite goodness in their unique ways. He made all these marvelous creatures for His own good pleasure, and He continually oversees every detail of His creation by a loving, sovereign providence. Jesus said not even one sparrow falls to the ground apart from His Father’s will (Matthew 10:29).~ MacArthur, John: The Battle for the Beginning : The Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 03:30:36 +0000

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