Birdman - a must see film, absolutely flawless in every - TopicsExpress


Birdman - a must see film, absolutely flawless in every conceivable way, Keaton has to be considered a frontrunner for a best actor award . Didnt find the ending to be ambiguous , i felt it was very clear what had transpired . No matter , it was a brilliant but brutally honest depiction about a person experiencing a total mental breakdown . Damn, even Zach G. was terrific in Birdman, the guy can act up a storm when given the proper material . BM gets JVs highest recommendation for patient, observant and adventures moviegoers . Nightcrawler - yet another mesmerizing performance by Jake G. , i would venture to proclaim its his best bit of acting to date . Some of the scenarios in the film stretch the believability factor but i was riveted all the way through . Jake is such a conniving , soulless, despicable, manipulative cretin that somehow he becomes endearing . You want him to get his comeuppance and you also want him to succeed . Its a challenging film to watch because its so unsettling , almost unflinching in its nihilism . Its all about exploitation and advancing your career or business, everything else is secondary in this world . Another highest recommendation from JV . Interstellar - well, it looks good and tries to be clever but i felt my mid wandering as a result of the languid pace, its one long ponderous journey with very little payoff . The film is populated with emotionally inert characters that are basically ciphers to serve the bigger story that ultimately turns out to be a very small story . Grand ideas but poor execution, 1 hour could have been excised from the running time and it would have been way more effective without inviting the sandman . If the characters vocal cadence wasnt moving at a snail like pace and if particular points werent belabored , it would have been a shorter more efficient film . This one gets a mild recommendation from me , its a must see in the theater and it is thought provoking but i dont see myself watching it again anytime soon .
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:29:45 +0000

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