Birds of a Feather: Whilst the BBC doesn’t allow on - TopicsExpress


Birds of a Feather: Whilst the BBC doesn’t allow on measured, sane and reasonable commentators like Lord Lawson any more, extremist, frothing at the mouth, swivel eyed loons like George Galloway get the red carpet treatment, given a platform by the Islamist’s very own Trojan Horse within the ‘Establishment’, Peter Oborne. Oborne is never happier than when ‘Dispelling myths about British Muslims’, asking ‘Is post-war Britain anti-Muslim?’. He tells us that ‘Many people have come to regard Muslims as a backward group of religious extremists estranged from wider society and incapable of coming to terms with what it means to be British.’….but of course that’s just so much prejudice and ignorance of the immoral, ignorant Kufar cattle. He says that ‘The history of post-war Britain is a proud story of enlightenment and the steady eradication of irrational fears and resentments.’ So nothing to worry about….once again ‘The Power of Nightmares’ narrative is being peddled….nothing to see here…just ‘irrational fears’…there’s no such thing as Al Qaeda, no Islamists under the bed! There is that old saying ‘you’re known by who your friends are’, so the fact Mehdi Hasan has a bit of thing for Oborne shouldn’t go unnoticed: In praise of Peter Oborne Why can’t we have more conservative columnists like him? I’ve been enjoying my good friend Peter Oborne’s columns and blogs in the Telegraph in recent weeks…. a long-standing opponent of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an outspoken critic of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment (perhaps he should have a word with the Telegraph’s blogs editor, Damian Thompson). Why can’t we have more conservative columnists like him? Yes, nothing like having a friend of the Islamic narrative behind the lines. Oborne has recently come to the aid of Gorgeous George, allowing him a platform to present himself as the victim of an outrageously brutal attack not just on the body of Galloway but on the body of British democracy: ‘The attack on Mr Galloway is beyond doubt an attack on British democracy itself.’ Oborne reprised his thoughts on the BBC’s ‘Week in Westminster’ where he actually brought in Galloway for a chat. We were told that this assault of GG was an attack on free speech and democracy, that all those who value free speech and value democracy should be concerned. Except…whilst it was a brutal and violent attack it wasn’t an attack on free speech or democracy. Galloway was attacked because of his virulently racist views, something carefully not mentioned at all in the interview….racist views which I’m sure have no part in British democracy, nor, I’m certain, would Oborne suggest they should be propagated even under the guise of free speech….never mind the illegal glorification of terror in Iraq and of the Jihadists fighting British troops. Some might argue that democracy and the law has failed when George Galloway is still an MP and walking free…not a concept that crosses Peter Oborne’s mind though. However Oborne himself has spent a good deal of his time trying to suppress all criticism of Islam so it is somewhat surprising to hear him talk about threats to free speech and democracy. Oborne asks if the attack on Gorgeous George is the start of a trend towards physical intimidation of politicians…whilst he mentions Jim Murphy’s travails in Scotland he makes no mention of Nigel Farage under attack by the Nats….nor of the threat by Lord Ahmed to march on Parliament with 10,000 Muslims to stop Geert Wilders speaking, or the allegations he placed a £10 m bounty on Obama’s head. Nor indeed of the intimidation of Parliament by the ‘Muslim community’ who try override democracy and threaten us with ‘radicalised youths’ if we operate a foreign policy they don’t agree with. Yesterday the BBC in a trailer for Any Questions posed the question ‘Should we put boots on the ground in Syria or would that just radicalise people in the Middle East and here in the UK?’ Whence democracy and free speech there?….bearing in mind that supposedly, as we are constantly told, all those ‘radicals’ don’t represent the true Islam nor the community…and yet somehow they do when it suits. Oborne seems to pick and choose his examples with care so that they support his own pro-Islamist, anti-right wing narrative. Good that he’s got the BBC to allow him time and space to devote to his pet prejudices.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 08:57:08 +0000

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