Birmingham Child #Poverty Review found 84,114 children, a third of - TopicsExpress


Birmingham Child #Poverty Review found 84,114 children, a third of the total, in #poverty school arrange food for #hungry kids DOWNLOAD #REPORT: The impact of the Tory-led #austerity drive on Britain’s children is laid bare in a devastating report. #Youngsters #SelfHarming because of living in poverty has risen by 40% since the Conservatives came to power. One #headteacher said: “We’ve heard how school secretaries ring food banks for mums in floods of tears who’ve dropped off children without breakfast and with no food for dinner. “Many families face ‘scrounge week’ at the end of every month as they beg and borrow to make ends meet. We’ve heard of three or four sharing a bed or a parent sleeping on the sofa.” Hard-pressed families are struggling after being hit by benefit sanctions and the Bedroom Tax, the review found. It estimated the problem cost the city £914million in extra services. The Labour Party councillor John Cotton stormed: “A third of Birmingham’s kids growing up in poverty isn’t just a moral outrage, it’s social and #economic sabotage.” Report co-author Tim Evans said: “As we listened to stories of people struggling, our understanding and anger grew. “We realised that harnessing people’s desire to tackle this issue , based on real life experience, was the way forward.” Click on the LINK & cast your #VOTE in the online #POLL
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:46:15 +0000

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