Birth Plans Everyone has one. Whether you write it down or its - TopicsExpress


Birth Plans Everyone has one. Whether you write it down or its just in your head, you have/had a Birth Plan. Birth Plans vary on a spectrum from Freebirthing (an unattended, self delivered birth) to scheduled elective primary Cesarean (there are some docs that really do that!). Heres the thing, ITS YOUR BIRTH! ITS YOUR MEMORIES! We are not here to judge you or tell you how you should give birth. We ARE here to help you make medically informed, evidenced based decisions about YOUR body! (As opposed to some politician telling you. Sorry, had to say that!). It has come to our attention that there is this person who goes by the name of Dr Amy, The Skeptical OB. What she spews on her page is a lot of negativity and hatred towards the normal birth process. In her opinion, why in the world would anyone want an unmedicated birth? We may ask the same question about many things in life. Why in the world would anyone participate in a Marathon (or 1/2 Ironman? GO KIRBY!) when you could just ride in a taxi along the same route? It gets you to the same point without all the pain, right? Its because of the sense of empowerment and the endorphin high that you dont get in the taxi ride! I feel sorry for Dr. Amy and her former patients that she pushed her biases on. She will never truly know and never get it. Midwives believe we should Listen To Women and we do. If you want a natural, unmedicated birth, we will do everything in our power to help you achieve that. If you are very anxious and fearful of labor and want a labor epidural, we will do everything in our power to help you achieve that. (You may be surprised to find out that our epidural rate is 69.6%.) If you want a VBAC or VBA2C, we will do everything in our power to help you achieve that. The last thing we want is for you to experience PTSD from your birth memories. So Dr. Amy, you are no better than the homebirth midwives you complain about. You are on the far, far right of the birth spectrum of those on the left that you ridicule. As Certified Nurse Midwives, we are everything in between. Peace.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 18:33:25 +0000

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