Bishnupuriya Discussion Forum Group(Bishnupuriya Peoples - TopicsExpress


Bishnupuriya Discussion Forum Group(Bishnupuriya Peoples Organisation) Inside story, Origin of Bishnupuriya an Indo Aryan language (বিষ্ণুপুরিয়া ইন্দো এরিয়ান ঠারহান)and Destruction of the holy Kingdom BISHNUPUR( মূল বিষ্ণুপুর বর্তমান রাসহানর জনম ভূমি),keynotes from Linguistic Survey of India by Grierson. Our fascination with Manipur as our origin is fraught with serious misconceptions. Our origin to Manipur is bestowed to the existence of Vishnu temple at Bishnupur of the new born Manipur. But there are few striking facts that need deep thought before we keep believing that:1. The Vishnu temple at Loktak region it of brick mortar structure, devoid of any opulence; a sign that it was made by poor un-represented people devoid of royal patronage, signaling the outsider status of our people in present day Manipur.2. Bishnupur is just not confined in Manipur, there are many places in north east Bihar and Bengal with Bishnupur name, primarily attributed to Vaishnava people inhabitating there with temples dedicated to Vishnu and Krishna and rich carvings of raas lila depictions and originates in Bishnupur the capital of Mallabhum. Even the language spoken in these areas today have striking similarities to our language in terms of dialect and pronunciation despite centuries of linguistic amalgamation. 3. There are historic evidences of ancient Bishnupur Kingdom spreaded across the modern North East Bihar from the parts of present day Bengal & Jharkhand that once flourished under the patronage of Gupta dynasty later by Hindu Malla rulars. The kingdom was rich in culture and traditions with predominantly vaishavaites. The holy kingdom was flourished at the zenith height with Malla rulers,Bhir Hambhir and Raghunath Singha from 16th century onwards; finally witnessesing the golden historical evidences. The kingdom might have seriously attacked by Muslims along with the other places of Bihar and Bengal in Middle age. Finally,the destruction was completed by Maratha and new Muslim sattlars forcing the people to flee to other parts comprising modern day Bihar, parts of Bengal, and mostly towards Manipur,Assam and Bangal region.This also explains the geographic diversity of our native speakers.4. Thinking upon these lines, it can be ruled that the speakers of our native language never had any permanent stopover, with constant migrations over centuries; there were no archaeological proofs. Frequent movement of native speakers ensured the decline of original language, except only in few areas. What is surprising is that while we claim from the depth of our throat of our Manipur origin, we forget to question why we dont have any archaeological evidences in Manipur. We are not converts like Pangals in Manipur.We are original vaishnavites upholding the ancient beliefs of vaishnavism, a fact that can be verified by the strict cultural observations in our community, including matrimonial purposes. Keynotes from Griersons L S l- Western Assamese slightly differs from that spoken at the Eastern valley but the only true dialect is Mayang or Bishnupuriya spoken by a Hindu colony in the state Manipur and scattered members of the same tribe in sylhet and cachar. (Linguistic Survey of India Vol-1.Pt-1.Pg-155) It will be seen that both in vocabulary and grammar it is strongly infected with the peculiarities of the Tibeto Burman languages spoken in the Manipur state. This is just as much as case with the speakers of Mayang who are settled in Sylhet, so that it may be taken as certain that they have some there from Manipur, although according to tradition they originally came into Manipur from an Aryan speaking locality,(L.S.I-V-1.Pg-419)-
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:52:21 +0000

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