BismallahirRahmanirRaheem, Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa - TopicsExpress


BismallahirRahmanirRaheem, Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakataha dear brother, Inshallah your in the best of health and iman. Welcome to the shiachat forum. Inshallah you will enjoy your stay and be able to benefit from it greatly. In regards to your questions let us first examine the actual pillars of Usool-e-Deen and Furu-e-Deen. Usool-e-Deen has 5 pillars; 1. Tawheed: (Belief in the oneness of Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì. Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì has NO partners and is UNIQUE in HIS oneness. 2. Adalah: Acknowledging that Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì is THE MOST JUST and would NEVER punish anyone unless they deserve it. 3. Nubuwah: Knowing that Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì has sent Prophets and messengers to all of human civilization since our creation to show us the straight path. 4. Imamah: After the death of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (saaw) Allah ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì designated 12 holy Imams to succeed him and carry on his message and tradition. 5. Qiyamah: Belief in the day of judgment and preparing for it. As far as I know each and every single one of these pillars are derived straight from the Holy Quran. This is the belief system for Muslims. So there can be no other authentic source other than our Holy Quran. Look through the Holy Quran and you will find examples of all these pillars. Furu-u-deen consists of 10 pillars; 1. Salaat (Prayer): Praying the five obligatory prayers every single day. 2. Saum: (Fasting): Fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan in order to gain Taqwa (Closeness to God). 3. Khums (Islamic Tax): Paying one fifth of our income toward the community. 4. Zakat (Charity): Giving charity to the needy 5. Hajj (Pilgrimage): Embarking on the pilgrimage to the Holy city of Makkah at least once in ones lifetime. 6. Jihad (Striving): Striving to overcome our evil desires and whims in order to improve ourselves. 7. Amr bil Mahroof ( Commanding the good): To call people to do good deeds. 8. Nahi anul Munkar (Forbidding the evil): To stop people and call people away from evil deeds. 9. Tawalla (Loving and obeying the Prophet and Imams) 10. Tabarra (Staying away from the enemies of the Prophet, Imams and Islam.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:32:41 +0000

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