BismiAllah er Rehman er Rahim! One person came to Prophet - TopicsExpress


BismiAllah er Rehman er Rahim! One person came to Prophet Mohammed swl & asked that what should he do for his forgiveness! He confessed that he had lot of sins. Rasul Allah swt said that he should takecare of his parents & asked them to pray Allah swt for his forgiveness! He said but my parents were dead, then Prophet slw said go to their graves & pray Estegfar for them, he said he didnt know where they were buried. Then Prophet slw said mark signs in the ground & imagined that they were the graves of your parents & prayed Fateha & Estegfar for them, Allah swt liked that amaal. Today, I am missing my Daaddy (mother of my father) too much! Because she lived alone in the end of hers life. As I was the eldest grand kids, she loved me too much. I remember when i was leaving for US, at that time, I was only 17 years old, I went to her house to say AllahHafiz, first she cried & then she gave me the book of Tafa e ulum & asked me to read the Chapter of Gunan e Kabir (The greatest sins), I said to her Daddu I already read them. Then she gave me an unforgettable advised, which I could never forget. She said doesnt matter, if a person murdered one person or he killed 1000, he was the murderer, thats why this was the line, my limits, i should never tried to cross them, never tried to commit those sins! I should always remember that I am one of Syed & that put more responsibility on my shoulders, I always have to remember the respect of my Fore fathers & their characters! Those words were too strong that I used to scare to go to movie theater in US in my student life! She did her job of saving my spirit, but I didnt do my duty! I was too busy in my studies & later in my job that I only visited her couple of weeks in every year instead of living her in hers last span of life. How she was living alone in that apartment! Who was with her when she was sick in nights! who was taking her to doctor? She had never complained !who was doing her groceries? I wish I could go back in past & takecare her but its too late now, it was like a window of Jannah, but I missed that opportunity! She always gave us duas! She had our pictures in hers Duas book & she always prayed for us after every namaaz: May Allah swl forgive us and our Marhomeen & give them place in Jannat with Masoumeen a.s. Ameen
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 02:51:47 +0000

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