Bismil Allah Salam Hello My magickal, mystical, and spiritual - TopicsExpress


Bismil Allah Salam Hello My magickal, mystical, and spiritual brothers and sisters please allow me and lend me your eyes so you view of my most current chrised work of Art and Oil Painting decated to the most magickal, mystical and spiritual beings\creature in Islam The Al Boraq. In the Islamic tradition is known and understood that this fabulous flying steed. It has an equnie body and neck with a luxurious mane,eagle’s wings, a peacock’s tail,and a human head with long, donkey-like ear. It is pure white, but its wings ,tail are studded with colorful , sprakling gems and pearls. Its breath is like sweet perfume, and it can understand all human languages. Orgiginally the mount of the Arch Angel Gabrile , it travels farther in one pace than the eye can see. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (MPBUH) rode itform Mecca to Jerusalme and back in but a moment, and asceded upon ito to haven. Bismil Allah Salam May Allah give me courage and strength so this art work and painting of Al Boraq can ba viewed by the viewers through out the world. As Sufi\Mystic I made sure that I follow all ethics and guide lines of Sufi teachings according Islamic tradition. By fare this was one of the most hardest art work and painting to show to people because we are dealing Sura 17 of our Holy Quran and ayat 1 (4). Here as an Artist I am dealing with Allah , our Holy Prophet Muhammad (MPBUH) and Acrh Angel Gabriel the Messanger of Allah words which were written in the our Holy Quran. We all like to travel and make journies to wounderful places and talk about our experince. To our friends and loved ones. Well I also like to travel and go to different places for journies. My journies are mystical and magickal in nature. In the common world most people call Artist like us day dreamers or visioneray spiritual being. Many times mystical artist are known to have wild imgenation. Most time it is to understand and know what the Artist is drawing or painting for last years I have been doing write ups for my friends and fans who like and enjoy my art work and paintings. I will do my best to explain what mystical and magickal journey was I performing when my hands were moving over the white canvas as each brush stroke filled white gaps off the paper canvas. As Sufi\Mysitc I always make sure at all times that my composing of the painting hits the right score. This means it should capture the eye of the beholder. Most key elements of this painting are the following: 1. Planet Sun is the Yellow Color Background the Arabic letter which surrounds The Eye says Allah. 2. The Royal Crown of the Al Boraq the symbols which are written reperesnts All Seven Arch Angles of Allah. 3. The Red Planet Mars where it is written the Holy Quran underneath it is written Sura 17. 4. The Sliver Planet which is repersenting the Moon where it is written Al-Isra Ayat 1 (4). 5. At the level of The Heart of the Al-Boraq I placed The Holy Mecca where The Holy Kabah stands till today. 6. A relfection or an Super Spiritual Image of out Holy Prophet (MPBUH) can be seen holding a golden rope. That is tied to our Holy Quran touching the brigh blue skys and the sourching desert sand where Islam was born. 7. As you can see that from his right hand our Holy Prophet (MPBUH) is holding with second golden chain Zulfiqar (Arabic: ذو الفقار Ḏū-l-Faqār or Ḏū-l-Fiqār) is the name of the legendary sword of Imam Ali(MPBUH). 8. Allah has sent my soul to the house of Muslim to the house of Shai Ismaili follower of 49th living Imam of the Time for which I great full all praise goes to Allah. This is stands today for Shia’s throughout the world lā fata ʾilā ʿAlī; lā sayf ʾilā Ḏū l-Fiqār. There is no hero except Ali; there is no sword except Dhu-l-Fiqar 9. The Red and Green color which repersents Shi Islam higly used in my sect which I belong too. The Green Rug with metalic blue trimming I have written symblos in white paint repersenting Seven Arch Angles of Allah. 10. The Arbiac letter which you see on Dhul Fiqar which I have painted with Metalic Sliver color also repersents Seven Arch Angles of Allah. 11. Just like days of the weeks starting from Sunday (Ruqiel), Monday (Gabriel), Tuesday(Semsamiel), Wednesday (Michael), Thursday(Sarfiel), Friday (Anaiel), Saturday (Kasiel)). 12. As my fans and my friends can you that I have showed our Holy Prophet(MPBUH) leaping from sourching desert to the brigh blue skys and touching the Havens. 13. The right prong of Dul-l-Fiqar is holding the most poweful symbol in Shia Islamic tradition known and called as Pantaj Pak which repersents the five purified holy Islamic family. 1. The Holy Prophet Muhammad 2. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib 3. Syeda Fatima az-Zehra 4. Imam Hasan Ibn Ali 5. Imam Hussain Ibn Ali 14. I hope and pray to Allah may He shower is blessings and mercy on me and forgive me. I hope and pray that I have not offened any one by no means or ways. Sufis\Mysics are servant of Allahs. True Beauity is Hidden in the Eye of the Beholder. I hope and pray that all my friends and fans enjoy this work of art as well. At the end of the journey I went through some pain full perirod but with the Will of Allah I was able to finish and complet this painting and art work. Peace Bright Blessings
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:06:46 +0000

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