Bismillah A lot of fuss about jihad, aqeeda so on and - TopicsExpress


Bismillah A lot of fuss about jihad, aqeeda so on and so forth, believe it or not in the this modern world, there is a jihad indeed and its called ABC in Islam like praying 5x a day and particularly praying FAJR on time. We claim to love the Muslims but neglect the rights of Allah, Salat is the first thing were going to be questioned about yet we forefront issues that should not yet be fore fronted. We must remember the order of our deen in which we should learn, as simple as the five pillars tawheed how many of us understand all three aspects, salat how many of us pray on time at its prescribed times understanding the importance of praying the sunnahs, sawm (ramadhan fast) how many of us have honored the rights of Allah by lowering our gaze when we see women, and seize our tongues from slander understanding the fast is not just of refraining from drink and food, and zakat this is a issue we must take serious but yet and still were very lax about it, and Hajj subhanAllah there are many of the ummah who have wealth, which is invested in cars, clothes and all the above but not a dime goes toward pilgrimage to hajj which Allah azza wajal has made wajib (obligatory) for those who can afford. According to our web site visitors survey in the arabic section of IslamWay that included more than 4000 persons: 14% of them never pray Fajr in its time 16% of them rarely pray Fajr in its time 33% of them often pray Fajr in its time 35% of them always pray Fajr in its time Subhan Allah!! (*) We are not talking about jurisprudence about which scholars disagreed or even a Sunnah that one has a choice to do or not. We are talking about ABC Islam. We are talking about praying that Allah Almighty obligates on all Muslims - whatever their conditions are. When Allah the Almighty ordered Muslims to pray He warned those who delay the prayer after its designated time, saying: So woe to the worshippers Who are neglectful Of their prayers [Surat Al-maoon 107:4-5] The interpreters said that what is meant by this verse is delaying prayer after its designated time.They also said : woe is a very deep sheer black valley in Hell. Dont we believe in Allahs Words? A lot of Muslims nowadays neglect Fajr prayer as if they it was not there. Thats why they pray it much later than its time. In addition, some of them pray it immediately before the Noon prayer. Others may never pray it even for compensation (Qaddaa). So why all this laziness against what Allah the Almighty deserves? Dont we proclaim that we love Allah the Almighty more than any thing else? Once one of us loves someone a true love, he will be willing to meet him. He may keep thinking of him most of the time. Once he has a date with him, he canNOT sleep until he meets the one he loves. So, do those lazy prayers who do not pray Fajr prayer really love Allah? Do they really respect His Orders? Are they willing to meet Him?. Lets imagine that a multi-millionaire offered one of his employees $1000 every day, just on one condition, viz. the employee must call daily at his employers house in the morning as to wake him up then leave. Such a simple task may take the employee 10 minutes only. This marvellously generous offer will be valid as long as the employee keeps awaking his employer regularly. On the other hand, this offer will be cancelled permanently, and the employee will be asked to return all the money he received, if he neglects to awake his employer once without an excuse. So, if you, my Muslim brother, were that employee , will you neglect to call at your employers house? Wont you carefully intend to wake up daily to get the one thousand dollar? Wont you - once you failed one morning - try with all means to prove that you were truly unable to wake up?. Allah has the higher example, so what about you my dear brother towards your Lord, Allah the Almighty? He is the ONLY ONE who gives you your means of living and who bestowed you with every thing, whose blessings on you are utterly much more than millions of dollars daily. It is Him Who says: ...if you try to count the blessings of Allah , you will fail.... [Surat Ibrahim: 14 : 34] Doesnt this Lord, the The Most Merciful, the Most Generous deserve that you wake up for Him every morning at about 5.30 a.m. so as to thank Him just in 5 or 10 minutes for His great blessings and his generous favours? The judgement against those who neglect praying Fajr Prayer in time: Allah the Almighty says: ...for such prayers are enjoined on Believers at stated times. [Surat Annesaa: 4 : 103] Islam is a comprehensive way of life… It is like an agreement between The Great Lord and His humble servant. According to this agreement, the servant commits to certain obligations before Allah. With respect to these obligations, Allah would grant the servant rights and privileges. It is insensible that you agree to this contract, then, soon afterwards, you do whatever you like and neglect whatever you do not like. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the Evil One; for he is to you an avowed enemy. [Surat Al-baqara: 2 : 208] The interpreters said: this means to accept Islam with all its legislation and rules. Allah got exasperated with the people of Israel when they performed what they liked from His religion and neglected the rest. Thats why He addresses them saying: …Then is it only a part of the Book that ye believe in, and do ye reject the rest? But what is the reward for those among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life? And on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty. For Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. [Surat Al-baqara: 2 : 85] As far as ones punctuality on attending prayers is considered, The Prophet (peace be upon him) sees those who do not punctually attend Fajr (dawn) and Ishaa (night) Salat in congregation as being sheer hypocrites Munafeqeen. So what do you think of those who do not pray Fajr at all, neither in congregation nor alone (at home)? The Prophet (pbuh) said: There is no prayer more difficult to attend for hypocrites than Fajr and Ishaa. And if they knew whats in them (i.e. the good reward - thawab) they would attend them even if they had to come crawling. (Narrated by Bukhari) Allah Almighty mentions that He disavows whosoever neglects the obligatory Salat. Besides, The Prophet (pbuh) said: Do not ever leave Salat on purpose because whoever does so then he is disavowed by Allah and His Messenger. (Narrated by Imam Ahmad) So do you like, Oh Muslim brother and sister, for the closest one to you to disavow you? So how do you neglect the Salat and cause Allah to be disavow you? what have I to do? Every one us should set an alarm clock to wake him for Fajr Salat daily. We should give Salat its status in our lives, and we should discipline our jobs according to the Salat regular times. (Unfortunately, we simply do the opposite!) We should sleep early and wake up for Fajr and then leave for work. Soon after Fajr, Allah distributes peoples sustenance (Arzaq). Each one of us should seek a good companionship that would call to wake him at Fajr Salat. Moreover, they would help one another to adhere to such a good deed. We should keep on saying our nightly Duaa (that we say just after before going to sleep) asking Allah to help us do our Salat. To feel guilty if we missed a single obligatory Salat. Furthermore, we should vow never to repeat this big sin. May Allah make us all be among those who truly love Him. May He give us sincerity in both words and deeds. (Amen) Finally, whatever is right in this article then it is a gift from Allah. And whatever mistakes or shortcomings then they are due to myself or Shytan (Satan). Ya muslimeen slow down and learn Islam as we are obliged to do. Wa Salam https://facebook/photo.php?v=10153768604140608&fref=nf
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:57:19 +0000

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