Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem THE SUFIS, SHIA AND OTHER SECTS - TopicsExpress


Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem THE SUFIS, SHIA AND OTHER SECTS (Part 3, section 8) Manifest and Hidden Knowledge*** Three fundamentals of Sufism which are innovations not sanctioned by the Quran or the Sunnah and which could not be traced to any companion or the rightly guided predecessors (Salaf us-Saliheen) are : 1) The division of knowledge into exoteric (manifest), esoteric ( hidden); 2) The division of Islam into shariah(religious sciences) and the sciences of truth; and 3) The addition to Islam of the Sufi order as the path leading to the truth. Now let us examine Manifest knowledge and the sciences of jurisprudence. The Sufis assert that it belongs to the theologians and scholars of the general run of ordinary Muslims, whereas the hidden knowledge and the knowledge of truth are reserved for the Sufi priests, who preferred to call themselves the elite (Sheikh or Khalifah). Whereas, Allah say: None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen) except Allah, nor can they perceive when they shall be resurrected. {Q 27 vs 65, Bukhari Book 9, vol 93, hadith no 477;Muslim book 1, hadith no 337}. The Sufis also claim to know the hidden facts through divination and fortune telling. They are seen everywhere doing what they know at doing best. They kept corrupting and deceiving naive muslims. Not minding the strong warning of the Holy prophet (p.b.u.h) against fortune telling. (Musnad Ahmad, Muslim 4/1751 ). They claim the right to interpret the Quranic verses and Prophetic traditions in ways not only different from the original meanings, but contradict them. All these dichotomies of knowledge are blameworthy innovations, of which the Prophet said: The practicing or upholding innovations in religion leads to Hell-Fire. He also said, He who introduces into our religion things that are not part of it, shall be rejected. (Bukhari 2697 and Muslim 1718) Sufis support the innovative dichotomies by citing the abnormal things done by al-Khidhr when Musa was in his company, such as making a hole in a ship, killing a boy and restoring a falling wall, as explained in surat al-Kahf (Q 18 vs 60-82). They justify Musas objections to al-Khidhrs deed on the grounds that Musa had acquired exoteric (manifest) knowledge only, while al-Khidr was one of the elite possessed esoteric (hidden) knowledge. The Sufis do not realize that whatever al-Khidr did was in accordance with Divine revelation, nor do they know that Musas objections were due to the fact that his Divine Laws were different from al-Khidrs. That is why al-Khidr responded to Musa by saying, I have knowledge given to me by Allah which you do not know, and you have other knowledge given to you by Allah which I do not know,whereupon Musa acquiesced. (Bukhari vol 6, hadith no 249) The Message of Islam makes no distinction between exoteric and esoteric, because they are the same. It abrogated all previous messages and religions. Those who founded Sufism and introduced it to Muslims as pure Islam meant to turn the Muslim nation into a static, dependent, indifferent and ascetic nation, making division among Muslim ummah,thereby making them to live in poverty and degredation. They have opened the door to a host of clandestine and secretive sects to promote their perverse dogmas. They use esoterism as a pretext for misinterpreting the Quran and Sunnah, in order to drive Muslims away from sound religious knowledge, as indicated by some Sufi zealot, who consider knowledge as a hindrance in the way of the murid and a curtain which blocks his vision, According to Sheikh Al -Djazairi I prefer that the beginner (murid) does not occupy his mind with these three things: earning his living, seeking the Prophetic traditions or learning how to read and write, so that his worries may be confined. Please, what does it mean when a Muslim does not read or write? It means he does not learn, and if he does not, how, then, can he worship Allah in the manner that would qualify him to become His constant and truely obedient servant and subsequently His favourite ? Al-Djazairi s assertion actually means that the murid is to be kept ignorant and pure enough to occupy himself with zikr or wird , so that he may join the ranks of those who receive direct revelation from God, i.e. esoteric knowledge. Thus the murid becomes satisfied with esoteric knowledge in lieu of exoteric, and with knowledge of the hidden truth in lieu of Shariah, and therefore lives in both ignorance and apostacy, without piety( iman). This is the kind of life the majority of Sufis have been living. May Allah remove the veil over their heart and to make them know the truth and also to believe that the knowledge of the seen and unseen are with Allah alone, ameen. Ma salam !
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 12:48:06 +0000

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