Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem THE SUFIS, SHIAH AND OTHER SECTS - TopicsExpress


Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem THE SUFIS, SHIAH AND OTHER SECTS (Part 3, section 9) AL-AQTAAB *** Al-Aqtaab is the plural form of qutb(or Kutb), which means axis or pivot: the highest station in the Sufi hierarchy of saints. Sufis believes that a person with qutb is a perfect human being who leads the saintly hierarchy. Sufis also believe that the universe has a master pivot, which they call al-Qutb, which is to the universe as the soul is to the body; ones the qutb departs, the universe can no longer exist. The secret of the power of the qutb, they allege, is kept by the one who keeps the greatest name of Allah. They also believe that qutb has divine connection with God and there is one qutb per era. He is also infallible and a trusted spiritual leader. They also claim that this person reaches the state ofqutbhoodby acquiring the perfection of knowledge, observation and mushahadah, (the viewing of Allah with the eyes as a result of extensive efforts in the path of sufism)which includes witnessing the Divine essence. He who does this is, according to Sufis, the one to lead the saintly hierarchy of his generation. He is called al-Gowth, (or Ghawth or Ghaus) and is alleged to be preeminently endowed with sanctity and miraculous powers ( as with the case of sheikh Abdul Qadri Jilani, who called himself, sultan awliya or Ghowth azam) The identity of al-Ghowth is known only to his agents (followers), but unknown to the world, unless he chooses to reveal himself. At his death, Sufis believe that his place will be filled with another, who will attain verification from Allah in each stage he passes through, until he becomes al-Qutb and the new al-Gowth. The following points can be deduced from the above beliefs of Sufis : 1) The Sufis beliefs are not based on the Quran and the Sunnah. Reference to the qutb and his qualifications can be found only outside the Quran and the authentic Hadith (i.e in books written by sufis and which they claim to be hadith, whereas are fake and fabricated hadiths). 2) If all the universe is sustained by the spirituality of the qutb, then what is left for Allah to sustain? And what would be the meaning of the Quranic verse: Allah: there is no god but He, the ever Living, the one who Sustain and protects all that exist.(Q 2 vs 255) 3) Another question poses itself here: how did the Sufi aqtaab, out of all the slaves of Allah, know His greatest name? The authentic Prophetic traditions indicate clearly that the name Allah is the greatest name, greater than His other names, such as Al-Hayyu (the Ever living) or Al-Qayyum (the Sustainer). Familiarity with this great name does not authorize one to manage the affairs of the universe. Rather, it is a name by which the slave of Allah asks Him to respond to his supplications for things which He may already have decreed. Allah (s.w.t) may respond, provided the slave does not ask Him for unlawful things. 4) Can we ask the sufis, who the next Qutb is after the death of Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyadeen, the last known qutb ? Because Qutb is not known to the world except their followers in the sufi path. They should tell us, so that we can beg him to stop the fight between Israel and palestine and to curtail the activities of Boko haram in northern Nigeria. Therefore, brothers and sisters, there is nothing like someone or qutb who spiritually guide and sustain the world beside Allah. Allah is the sustainer and in total control of heaven and earth ( Malik Muwatta book 15, hadith 15,8, 34 and Abu Dawud book 30, hadith no 3990). Yaa Zuljalael wal ikram (God of Honour and Glory ).
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:00:29 +0000

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