Bismillah Assalaamo Alaykom waRahmatollah We are - TopicsExpress


Bismillah Assalaamo Alaykom waRahmatollah We are informed in the hadeeth that there will come a time, wherein a person would wake up a muslim, and go to sleep a kaafir, and others would go to sleep muslims and awaken in kufr If we look at the times we live in, we would see the importance of learning, understanding and knowing certain matters of Islam. One of these is the matter of takfeer. Introduction Firstly it is important to understand the concept of eemaan, in order to best see the point that will be brought across, in regards to the article entitled ‘Declaring Muslims as Kaafir’ Eemaan is in the heart, upon the tongue and limbs, it is in parts and it increases with obedience and decreases with disobedience. Two groups of people regarded eemaan as a whole and both took the stance on the opposite ends of extremism. One went in the direction of negligence and other towards excess. The khawaarij as mentioned in the article went to the direction of excess upholding that anyone who sins or goes against any shari’I ruling has apostated, while those on the end of negligence upheld that no one can leave Islam or should be declared to leave islam even if based on textual evidence i.e. from Allah SWT vis. The Qur’an and sunnah. Just as one enters into Islam by the shahaadatain then likewise one may leave the fold of Islam, as is evident further by the fact that there are rulings pertaining to apostacy, takfeer and so forth. As to what follows: Takfir is not prohibited, such that no one leaves the fold of islam or no one is cast out by what they say or do, or that someone that calls another a kaafir has committed a sin. At the very same time, the seriousness of such acts or statements of pronouncing one a kaafir has brought with it stringent regulations, safeguarding both parties and the ummah at large. Takfir is a reality and a part of islam! [1] Allah SWT says: “Say, ‘Was it in Allah, His verses or His Messenger that you were mocking (istihzaa’)? Make no excuse about it, you have disbelieved (become kuffar) after you had imaan. If we pardon some of you, surely we will punish the others, for they were the criminals.’ ” [2] In the time of Muhammad (saw) Umar ibn Khattab had made takfeer on the one who disagreed with the judgment of Muhammad (saw), not only was his takfeer consented to by the Messenger (saw) but confirmed by Allah, Allah (swt) said, By your lord, they are not believers until they refer to you in all their disputes and find no hardship therein, and they must submit fully. [4: 65] ....To be continued in sha Allah
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 09:18:13 +0000

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