Bismillah ( In The Name of ALLAH). I am not writting this only of - TopicsExpress


Bismillah ( In The Name of ALLAH). I am not writting this only of my own desire, but have been instructed to speak up. My Lord commanded me, saying " Proclaim the grace of your Lord". In the holy month of ramadan 2011, while I was in The Gambia, Allahu subhanahowattallah truly showed and taught me of wich I never witnessed of in my life. I saw how my Lord was purifying me and then lifted me up from the ground I was walking on. Then Two lights while flying, one on each side brought a beautiful glittering different tone of green colouful light and made me swallow it.I sat on the bed started coughing instantly I swallowed it and I knew that something is changing inside me a in very pleasant manner, full of faith, but could not know why. Then Allah opened the gate of where the wualiuns are then i eneterd, started meeting them. I know Sr Touba, Mam Baye, Shiekh Omar Futuyu Taal, Abdou Aziz sy, Bu kunta njassan and many of these God fearing people. I know them as well as they knows me that i am here (Allahu akbarr). I passed by and my Lord took me to the second heaven and met Issa (jesus) a.s, ( I have met him twice), then I met also Musa a.s in the sixth heaven, Allah also granted me from him something dearing to him. I met also Nuh a.s. Allah informed me that Nuh´s ark aill be ressurrected on the day of judgement and HE showed it to me. My Lord took me to Sidraatul muntaha and showed me where Mohammadurasulilah stood, while receiving the prayers and I was pointing towards there indicating that there is where He stood, while passing by. When I turned, two angels( lights) Opened the gate of jannat and I eneterd in and saw the beautiful yellow flowers, but it went fast and i never stayed inside for more than five seconds. Allah informed me that in every generation, there is someone whom HE brings down the light of Mohammadurasululah upon, and it was all silence, then i looked up and saw such a great light. I stood and there was another candidate but never stood more than three seconds and disapeared. The light came down upon me then enterd me, and I felt that I am muhammadurasululah. To this Allah is my witness, Rassululah (sas), The angels, sr Touba ,Mam baye nyiass and all the residence of the heaven and earth, except mankind and jinn who knows not yet, but they will know in time, inshalla. I have received the Stick of Mohamadurasululah from Mam Baye ( as he was the last Khutbu Zamman that came before me) and started walking, before him was Sr Touba who was the Khutbu of his time. I saw that my soul was standing on a sea of knowledge then I looked upon my soul again and it was Mohammadurasululah (sas). He bent down took the kettle I used for performing abolution and I felt that I was the one bending down, He walked and I knew i was walking in one bodied incarnate. I was with him high and so lightfull in one bodied. I am always with him cause Allah made me possesed his light. Mohammadurasullulah is the most handsome and lighted man i have ever seen.The other prophets are lightful but his light is immense and Allah made him a source of light. His face is not round nor small but between. His eyes are not large ( unlike prophet musa´s nice big eyes) neither small but between, a beautiful clear and copassionate eyes with black and a dot of brown in it. His hair is long, not curly enough or straight but between. Neither is he tall nor short but between. sholder wide, big chest and when he walks you might think him walking on water, such a way of walking and beautiful footsteps i have never felt or seen.Dressed up all white covering his head.Alhamdulilah Ya Allah for choosing me while there are many believers on the surface o the earth, I can never be able to thank you enough for your favours on me. May YOU grant me the ability to always bein able to please and makes you happy. Allahu subhanahowattal took me in the last ten nights of ramadan 2012 all the way to His Throne. HIS Majesty, The Noble and Powerfull ALLAH, Showed me HIMSELF there HE is sitting on HIS KURSIYU. ALLAH is SOO Imensely lightfull, but HE gave me the heart to be able to see HIM, and HE is my witness to this, rasululah is my witness to this. Allahu akbarr Allahu akbarr, Allahu akbarr Kabiran! Allah showed me kneeling down under HIM while he is inorgaurating me as a king and i was all coloufull with beautiful different glittering colours.ALLAH informed me that I am prophet yusuf, He also Informed me that HE had made Mohammadurasululah bein my father, I have been gifted by HIM for being able to see HIM and that there is no veil between me and HIM. There my soul will be under him while I am for now here on earth for HIS work. ALLAH is The most beautifull,The magnificent. ALLAH is not only the creator of all beings but also The TRUE KING, His glorious crown on HIS head and sparkling. HIS light is covering all things around HIM including the Kursiyu. Wallahi, Allah is The most bountifull and any one who neglects HIS worship, you are only in error and bein astray from the true owner and source of Life. I have much to say but cannot say it all for now,to this i have to bear witness, else i have not done what i am commanded to. Oh my dear muslim brothers and sisters, let us come back to our Lord with words of repentances and words of praises, life is too short. May Allah guides us on HIS way, the ways os siraatal mustaqim. Asalamaoualikum wa rahmatullah.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 13:36:19 +0000

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