Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem Linguistic Landmarks in - TopicsExpress


Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem Linguistic Landmarks in Quran. Article - 4 So far, in the previous articles, we have seen the tafseer of the first Ayah of the Surah Fatiha.... We have seen that how perfect was the introduction to Allah — Alhamdulillahir Rabbil Aalameen.. We also made a study that hoe modifying or changing or eradicating even one word from the verse alters the complete essence of what Allah wants to convey.. SubhanAllah.. Now this article is dedicated to the tafseer of one of the most beautiful phrases in the Quran... the second Ayah of Surah Fatiha... Ar Rahman-ir Raheem.... Lets understand Ar Rahman first.. I wonder if I ask wat does Ar Rahman mean..... wat wud u reply.. Most probably... The Beneficent... The Compassionate... The Merciful... The Most Merciful.... We hardly get any other translation.. But lets forget all wat we heard before and analyze the root of this word.. Rahman is derieved from root word Rahmah.... And it means mercy..and thats how we get the meaning mercy... But the word Rahmah itself is derived from root word — Raham.. You know.... Raham is a noun in Claasical Arabic. unlike Rahmah being an adjective in Modern Arabic... Raham means A Mothers Womb... Infact a Pregnant Womb.... Whoa!!!! You might want to ask...wat do I mean when I say Allah is Rahman.... do i mean to say Allah is Pregnant womb???? (Naozubillah).. No way!!!!!! But thats wat the root word of rahman is... we cant ignore this word the problem is we take the root word Rahmah but eradicate the root word Raham.... By the way we have no right to do that.. Dont you remember how Hamd meant Praise and thanks at the same time.. and Rabb meant Owner, sustainer, sovereignty at the simultaneously???? So lets take a look at the relation between Raham and Rahman... If there is a pregnant woman... she has a baby in her.... Now tell me.... does the Mother love the child?? Yes... there is nothing like mothers love.. she takes aa lot lot and lot of care under this condition... infact her care is even more than wat she has after the child is born... this is the period the mother takes the maximum care of the child.... But there is another aspect of this Condition... Tell me... Does the child know that how much he is loved???? No!!!! The child is the reason the mother is so happy all the time.... he is the reason why the mother remain extra cautious all the time..... but the child has no idea of it!!!!!! SubhanAllah.... Allah is Ar Rahman... He loves us.... cares us.... he makes sure that the situation doesnt get out of control.... He only does wats best for us.... But we dont even know... this world is symbolically indeed the womb of Allah.... and we lie here in it as the children....!!! You a lot of non muslims complain that why does Islam enslave people to Allah while their religion preach we are children of god!! But You what!!!! there is no better concept of us symbolically being the children of Allah than when Allah has says he is Ar Rahman..... This is indeed the best Way Allah expresses His love to us... SubhanAllah.. So we get some new meanings of Ar Rahman.... Most Loving, Most Caring, Most Affectionate..... !!! Allahu Akbar... and yes... Most merciful too.. no doubt.. Now.... If this was Ar Rahman... then what about Ar, Raheem.. Ar Raheem tok has same roots — Rahmah and Raham.. But let try to understand the difference between Rahman and Raheem... Even if u knew a little bit of Arabic....(and many of u ofcourse do).... you wud easily understand that if Raham is the root word then Rahman is its Present Continous tense and Raheem is its Factual form or rather a universal truth.... So When Allah say he is Rahman... wat he mean to say is.. that He is Living and Caring and being Merciful to us RIGHT NOW!!! Its one thing to say Allah loves you.. But its entirely different thing to say Allah is loving you Right Now.... Allah is taking care of all ur affairs Right at this moment!!!! Man! this Islamic concept of God is Love is far superior to that of the Ahl e Kitab!!! So by Rahman, Allah means his urge to shower His love and care and mercy on u right at this moment... And Raheem means Its perfect... means its Universal... Means Allahs love, care and mercy is there, was there, and will be there..... over here, over there and over everywhere.... Allah is Ar Raheem.. Allah loves you always... SubhanAllah ..... But now another question arises... If Allah has already told us he was, is, and always love us... then wat was tge need of saying he is loving us right now??? one more question is.... why first Rahman and then Raheem..... why not Raheem first and then Rahman... ??? Though Raheem is more universal more perfect... a better word... yet why Rahman first!!? I will reply both questions with this example... Suppose its lunch time, and you return home from ur office.... and u r really really hungry..! And there come ur wife and sits beside you.... smiles at you and then says, What should I cook in Dinner? And you wud be like... What!!!!! Forget about Dinner and give lunch first... i hav been working hard all day... im so hungry.. just give me lunch then after that think about dinner or breakfast or make up or wat ever u want!!!! Did u get that?? when u r in trouble... u worry about the present situation....thats all.. we will think about future later on... but first get rid of this problem.. or suppose u get salary on 1st date of each month... and today is 1st and you have ur flight to Los Angeles at 6:15 PM.. and u r going for an expensive trip.. and today ur Boss doesnt come.. you call him.. he says he is coming but its 5:30... No show... 5:45... no show yet.. At 6:00 u get really fed up... and ur friend comes and says, Dont worry... Our boss is really reliable... dont worry... And wat wud u say,? Well I dont care if he is reliable or not.... but why is he not being reliable RIGHT NOW!!! its right now that i need him..... where is he???!!!... You see?? thats why Allah first says... He is Ar Rahman... in other words... Dont worry my Creation.. I m Here.. Right now Im with u... the situation is under control.... And these problems are not problems.... I have got better results for u... I myself am taking care of u.. SubhanAllah... then Once we are satisfied.... We wud be like.... okay.. Now I have ate the lunch... now my dear wife... cook sumthing delicious for Dinner :) Once our present is fine... we immediately worry about Future.... So Allah immediately says.. O My Creation.. Dont worry... I am Ar Raheem too... in other words... I will always take care of u... anywhere... any place... 24×7...!!!! Allahu Akbar .... The Precise Perfection of Quran... one last comment i wud make is.... Remember in previous articles i told u.... the first verse of quran has the responsibilty of giving an introduction of Allah.. So Allah first tells his name, (in a style that u cannot but praise His Name) Alhamdulillah... then he introduces Himself... Rabbil Aalameen... Then He tells us that why is he here with us.....and why he wrote this book.. bcoz he is Ar Rahman-ir Raheem.. He is here with us to take care of us... and he revealed Quran bcoz he know how restless we r bcoz of our problems... and He tells us... the situation is under control.... this introduction is just the same as ; Hi I am Maryam, Your Babysitter. And I will take care of u from now, till when u need... Its indeed the same thing.. But look at the difference of speech of Allah and a human babysitter....!! SubhanAllah... there can only be comparision between wat they said... bit No Comparision between How They Say It!!!!!!! THIS IS ALLAHS WORDS!!! Now In Next Article we will move to third Ayah... and the last introductory sentence to Allah in this Surah.... at last .. I am just a human, what ever good is written here is by Allah... and watever wrong is my mistake... As Salamu Alaikum, wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu... #ibn_sabah
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 03:11:25 +0000

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