Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. It is not disobedience that make - TopicsExpress


Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. It is not disobedience that make difference in Iblees (Satan) and us. Iblees disobeyed once and Allah did not forgive. Adam(a.s) disobeyed once and he was forgiven. Some may think God shown injustice and double standard between Adam (a.s) and Satan. Adam (a.s) humbled before Almighty God and asked forgiveness and Allah forgave him. He then prostrated for salatu Shukr-to thank (shukr) Allah. He performed Salathul Awabin and Salathu Shukr before Almighty God and accepted him. But Iblees was arrogant and.stubborn. Satan did not repent nor he humbled. This made almighty Godˊs wrath descend up on him. And he became cursed one!. And today even though man is sinner, he still has the nature to repent and ask forhiveness that is inherited from Hazret Adam (a.s) So even though man always disobey Allah , when he ask Allah to forgive him ,ALLAH forgives. Some fools asking if God really forgiven Adam, then why God sent.him out of heaven? Yes Adam (a.s) was forgiven and purified and.sanctified by Almighty God, but his seeds were acquired the nature of disobedience when.he disobeyed Allah. Just as Prophet Ibrahim (A.s) took his son Ismail (a.s) to be sacrificed, Adam(a.s) had to.sacrifice heaven and come earth and by fulfilling the divine commandment sent down to him. So that the ego of his seeds (progeny) to be purified by the laws and commandments. So the Original Sin was not with Adam. The original sin which Christian misquote is with his son who killed his brother. So that son (Cain\Qabel) of Adam, inherit one portion of everyoneˊs sin. Now dont ask me foolish question, why Allah made Qabel to inherit a portion of the sins of every man?why not Satan? Isnˊt Allah showing injustice to Qabel? Because he inherited the original sin from Satan. Satan was thd original sinner and.Qabel inherited this from Satan while he waa in a seed in Adam (a.s) Ad he repent or humbled. His deeds were of demonic.nature to show off, for pride vanity and for status. Not for the sake of Allah. So Allah mention in Quran such Satans who are among jinn and me.(in Sura an-Nass) The man kind in the sight of Allah stand in two jamath (group) One group in the Jamath of Adam and.Abel (peace be up on them) another Jamath under Satan.and Qabel. One Jamath as believers and.another Jamath as unbelievers. Or as Muslim and as Kafir. The people of.Abel will have sincerity taqwa and same standard. They do everything only for the Allah. Even though some of the are sinners but will be standing in prayer and.shedding tears before their Lord and asking forgiveness and Loving each other and are saved. The people who stand under Qabel Pride and arrogance will be their nature. Jealosy and lustful. Their motive will be to attain pleasure. Their deeds will be sinfil. They do deeds for show off. The good doer and the.bad doer.amobg them are lost. They do for show off, to please their ego. For competition for pride There people.from the group of Qabil. As.a result the man kind became in existence into four kind. One group who will be born as believers and.will die as believers. One group who will be born to grow as unbelivers but will die as a believer.(reverting to Islam) One group will be born as unbelievers and will die as unbelieves. The last.and worst group are those who born as a believer or belief but will die as unbeliever (as hypocrites) This group will get severe punishment and wrath of Allah Almighty. Their deeds are in vain despite of being done so much good deeds charity or whatver you can think of that will not benefit them, nor will be accepted from them. This inspiration came to my heart at the end of Fajr. Walhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Aswalathu wa salamu alaika Ya Sayyidi Ya Rasool Allah
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 07:26:09 +0000

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