Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem... Each and everyday ALLAH - TopicsExpress


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem... Each and everyday ALLAH Subhanahu wa Tala grants me new mercies. From the blessing of hearing the azan for salaatul Fajr to the azan for salaatul Isha... I carry alot of pain in my sudoor, and have done so for many many years. Just when I feel that I am at my breaking point I am uplifted by reading posts by one of my beloved family, and friends. But the most significant builder for me today is my memory of a brother quoting our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) saying something too the effect that when ALLAH loves you He continuously breaks your heart thereby causing you too cry out, to seek out, and lean on Him in hope and faith that He will comfort you... I am feeling more and more emotional in these latter years of my life. Mixed emotions. On the one hand as a muslim I long to see our beloved Prophet and all those great people, and of course too see the face of my Rabb. but as a man, a son, grandson cousin, nephew... I miss my family. All of them. But none more than my mom. Wallahi I miss her so... My heart is so heavy, but I lean on my faih in Him, for in the midst of all the wrongs I have done I am still here by His decree for a reason, so I press on. But not before asking your continued duas for my family, and I... May ALLAH Subhanahu wa Tala grant us all His forgiveness. ameen As salaamun alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatu...
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:41:59 +0000

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