Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem. Sultan ul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh - TopicsExpress


Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem. Sultan ul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (RA) Lefke, 02.10.2013 The Breath That Revives The Dead Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ey yaran Shah-i Mardan, your Lovers are in awe of you. Let us listen to a few of your words. May this state be taken from us and changed for the better. Kulla yawmin huwa f? sh?n. (55:29) Come, O beloved friends, let us listen and be comforted, let us find refreshment. May every one of our assemblies be a happy one. May our powers unfold. May our hearts be opened, let us call on Allah. Let us call to the Divine Messenger. May the difficulty pressing on us be lifted. May there be happiness and ease. Either beautiful things come to man, or trouble comes to him. Allah Almighty, subh?nahu wa ta‘?la, l? il?ha illa anta, subh?naka, subh?naka, subh?naka, ya Rabb?. Grant to us pure, lovely lights. Come to us, O Shah-i Mardan. Your Lovers stand in awe of you. There are people who are pure. Allah, jalla jal?luhu, jallat ‘az?matuhu. Huu, Huu. Our Lord who possesses Grandeur and Power does as He wishes. Come, O Lovers of Shah-i Mardan. May this day of ours be a good one. May our works be for the good. May our bodies be given health. wa li ‘abdin m? sa‘al - the servant is given what he asks for. My Lord says, Whatever he wishes that I will give to him, says Allah Almighty. For the honour of Your most noble Beloved, give to us health. Just as the honourable Hajjis assembled in that blessed place are happy, let us also be happy. Come, O Shah-i Mardan. Your Lovers are in love with you. Your Lovers are asking you for your support. Madad, help. May we have a good day. May our hearts be cheerful. Let us be cheerful and merry. Our Lord has given us happiness for the honour of the Divine Beloved. Allah Almighty wishes for us to be of good cheer, Allah Dh? l-Jal?l does not wish for us to be ‘ab?su l-wajh, gloomy, frowning. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, Sh. Mehmet Efendi. Allah Dh? l-Jal?l wants His servants to be beloved, contented. O our Lord, there is no end to Your Grace and Bounty. O Shah-i Mardan, today the field is yours. Whatever a person undertakes, if he speaks Bismillah before beginning, if he says Allah, Allah; whoever makes mention of the Divine Name of Majesty - first of all let us remember the Name of Allah; then Allah will take all our troubles away from us. He takes them from us and makes them go away. For all people, the essence of every action is to begin in the Name of Allah. Let us say Allah. Come to us, O Shah-i Mardan. Eh, this is the dunya. There is trouble in it and there is comfort. Come, O Shah-i Mardan, this field is for you. Let us be of good cheer on this blessed day, during these blessed days. It is a month that has been glorified. It is the month when the esteemed pilgrims have been called to the Holy House of the Ka‘aba, whoever is able to go there. Let us, too, attend with our spiritual presence. Let us ask this of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty created the Kalam-i ‘Ala/the Distinguished Pen. Madad. The Kalam-i ‘Ala asked: What shall I write, O my Lord? Write, He said, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. It accomplished the writing of the Noble Basmala in 700 years, he says. How amazing. Allahu Allah, Allahu Rabb?, ma l? siw?hu. Allahu Rabb?. All?h. The Noble Basmala, the Noble Basmala. Power and strength; it took 700 years to write it. It gives refreshment and life, the Noble Basmala. When any work is begun in the Name of Allah, it will end happily and give contentment. Allah Dh? l-Jal?l said: Write! and it (the Pen) wrote for 700 years, 700 years. Allah Allah. Whoever speaks the Divine Name of Majesty, I will give him the reward of 700 years, He says. Allah Almighty, Huu. 104 scriptures in all were sent down as revelations. They are all filled with light. Whoever speaks this, he will be robed in light. Whoever recites the Noble Basmala, Allah Almighty dresses him in Light. Ah, you people. dress yourselves in light, become enlightened. Do not go diving after the filth of this wicked world. Dress yourselves in light. The Almighty Lord of Glory, our Lord of Grandeur - come, O Shah-i Mardan - dresses us in robes of grandeur. Allahu akbar. Come, O Shah-i Mardan, your Lovers stand in awe of you. Let us open up, let us grow stronger, let us call on the Majestic Name of our Lord. The most beautiful thing. Say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. May the Lord of Glory dress upon you robes of light. Come, O Shah-i Mardan, your words, your speech is a robe of virtue that descends from heaven, a robe of beauty that is dressed upon us. Let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Do not busy yourselves with any other activity. If you only recite the Basmala, that is enough. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. A sick person will get well, the dead will be revived. The noble Basmala. Our Lord Allah, our Sultan, we have reached the month of Dh? l-Qa‘da, what mercies are raining upon us! Allah Almighty gives honour to His servant; honour upon honour He bestows on him. He put the Ka‘aba in its place, calling it Baytullah, the House of God. It is Baytullah. Come and visit My House. Ask of Me whatever you want. May those who are going be on their way, those who have the strength and means. Those who have no strength or means, should make the intention. Innam? l-‘am?lu bi-niyy?t, Come, O Shah-i Mardan. All our works are judged by their intentions. Do not live for this world. Live for the service of your Lord. There is no other meaning to this world. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. Come to us, O Shah-i Mardan. May our hearts open up, may our pains be taken away. wa m? dh?lika ‘ala All?hi bi-‘az?z (14:20), that is not difficult for our Lord. It is our Lord Almighty who brings healing to the ill, and remedy to the suffering, and who meets the needs of those who are in need. Come to us, come, let us listen to your lovely words. Say Allah, and have no fear, fear not. Do not say dunya, say Allah. This is wisdom for mankind, for the sons of Adam. Say Allah, dont say dunya. May all gates be opened wide. Why are we living? What are we living for? wa m? khalaqtu l-jinna wa l-insa illa li-ya‘bud?n (51:56) I created mankind and jinn only so that they might serve Me. Am?n, ya Rabb?, am?n, ya Rabb?. Am?n, ya Rabb?. O our Lord, honour us with the honour of Your servanthood. Do not give us troubles for us to deal with. Do not make us busy with the dunya. And grant us strength, so we may engage in remembrance of You, O our Lord. Say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Come, O Shah-i Mardan. Your words are a cure and strength for your beloved friends. Dont seek for this wicked world, this filthy world, this tasteless world, this world of rotting flesh. Say Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. Il?hi anta maqs?d? wa ridh?ka matl?b?. Our our Lord, O our Lord, let us say Allah. We aspire to nothing else and Your Pleasure is all we desire. Forgiveness, O Lord. forgiveness, O my Lord. Let us repent. Mercy descends from the heavens. Mercy descends, and it is that mercy which resuscitates our bodies. Say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, You know best. O our Lord, You have bestowed upon us, so many blessings, You have granted and favoured us with them; but not so we might busy ourselves with them, no. Not for eating, drinking, dressing and adorning ourselves. wa m? khalaqtu l-jinna wa l-insa illa li-ya‘bud?n (51:56) I created mankind and jinn so that they might serve Me. If they perform their servanthood, I will reward them, for I am their Creator, and I have given them from My Love. I have placed some of My Love within them . Let them not forsake Me and look elsewhere. li-ya‘bud?n - That they might serve Me. Our Lord. Make sure that you serve Me! O our Lord, Whom should we serve? It is You, O our Lord, whom we wish to serve. It is Bayram, it is Bayram for the sons of Adam. For him there are rewards for each day that he serves his Lord. All?hu All?h, All?hu Rabb? m? l? siw?hu illa H?. I will give you everything, He says. Dont look to the dunya, look to Me. O our Lord, may our hearts open up, may they be cheered. Let us say Allah, Allah, Allah. Every other occupation is useless, vain. Come, O Shah-i Mardan, your Lovers are in awe of you. How lovely are your words, may our hearts open to them. O blessed Shah-i Mardan, may our hearts open up. On the face of the earth there are storms of affliction. There are storms, outwardly visible storms, and there are also invisible storms. There are storms and tornadoes. Take care not to get caught up in them. Say Allah, and go ahead. They said to this person who was boarding a boat - the most precious jewel of the Sultan has been lost, they said, aboard this ship. Come to us, O Shah-i Mardan. Take a lesson from everything. They said, the Sultans jewel has been lost, the most precious of all. What shall we do? Who has taken it? It was stolen, the Sultans jewel has been lost. Eh, we must look for it. So they looked, O Allah, forgive us, O our Lord! We are unable to show You the respect you deserve, O our Lord! Do not place us in distress, O Lord! So they searched and searched for it, and they searched all the people aboard the ship. But they found it with nobody. There was among them, a ragged dervish, a poor dervish who possessed nothing but the shirt that he wore. They called him and said: Such and such a thing has happened, the Sultans jewel has been lost. We have looked everywhere, now we will search you also. Allah. These words weighed heavily upon this devish. He instantly went and walked away on the sea, saying Allah, Bismillah. He spoke Bismillah, and walked away on the surface of the water. Say Allah, say Allah, and nothing will remain of your illness, or your trouble. You will be cheered and you will find enjoyment. Saying Allah. Am?n, ya Rabbi, to call on the Majestic Name of the Lord, how lovely, to remember the Name of Majesty. Come, O Shah-i Mardan. Let us say Allah. May our sorrow and grief depart from us, may our pains go away. Allah Allah, Rabb? Allah, RabbunAllah, Hasbunallah, RabbunAllah, Hasbunallah. Say this, and none of your difficulties will remain. Say Allah, say Allah. Call Allah and move along; this wicked world, step over this evil world and pass it by. If one does not step over this wicked world and move on, he will not be able to enter the palace of the sultan. Say Allah, Allah, Allah, and move on. May our hearts open up with You, You have created us, O our Lord. We take refuge with You from any thing that distracts us from You, O our Lord. Allahu Allah. Do not quarrel or fight. It does not become man. Fighting is not suitable for mankind. Making peace is befitting for man. Come, O Shah-i Mardan, your Lovers are in awe of you. This world is full of all kinds of troubles. What will save you from it is to say: Allahu Allah All?hu Rabb?, All?hu All?h, All?hu Rabb?. Say this. Speak these words. Speak of your Lord. Recite the Greatness of your Lord: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. You will rise and come back to life. It is the breath that revives the dead, ya. The prophets possess the breath that can revive the dead. The breath that revives the dead is: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. All?h All?h. Subh?n All?h, Sult?n All?h. The remedy for all pains, Allah. Today the honour of the blessed month of Dhu l-Qa‘da descends on us. Look at this honour, search for this honour. Do not be without honour. This world is rubbish. This world is carrion, rotting flesh. Do not go near it. Look at what is beautiful, dont look at cadavers. O Allah, may this holy month of Dhu l-Qa‘da bring blessings upon us. May honour be dressed upon us, may the robe of health be dressed upon us. Let us find closeness to Allah, let us say Allah. How lovely, how very lovely to say Allah. O Beauty of Beauties, you have dressed Beauty upon Your Beloved, our Holy Prophet. All?hu All?h. The blessed countenance of our Holy Prophet, you would not have been able to gaze at it. N?r/Light. It was dressed with light. Ask for light, ask for light. The dunya was placed under the Prophet Sulaymans command. Our Holy Prophet came not for this world, our Prophet spoke Allah for the sake of the world to come. Allah. The Prophet Sulayman brought the dead back to life. Our Holy Prophet revives the hearts. May our hearts be revived, may they be purified. Let us ask of our Lord that we too might be present at the Ka‘aba, the Holy House. It is My House, said the Lord. Come running, run towards My House. Whatever you wish for, you will find it there. If they say, the sultan has opened up his palace, anybody may take whatever he wishes, would anyone stay behind? The sultans palace is open, come and take whatever you want. One day Harun ur-Rashid, alayhi rahmatullah, was sitting in his assembly hall, - yes, that blessed person, his assembly - in his palace you would find anything you could want. While he was sitting with his women, he said, take whatever you wish from my palace. Then the women belonging to him took whatever they wanted of precious jewels. Only a single one of them came and embraced Harun ur-Rashid and said: You are all I need. I am not here in your presence because of these things. Are you able to say this? Are you able to say this? What is there in this world, other than filth? Say Allah. Ask for Allah, everything is there. May He take away from our bodies all our worldly grief and sorrow. This dunya is the filthiest of all things. May it open up. Come to us, O Shah-i Mardan. Your Lovers are in awe of you. May our strength and power be increased, may we run to the Baytullah. Let us not grow tired, saying Allah. Let us not grow tired. Everyone is running after the dunya. But you must bow down before the One who created this world and spread it out beneath your feet. Prostrate before Him. You must ask for Him, not for that which is under your feet. What is under you feet is of no value. O our Lord, make us to be together with those who have reached to the Great Holy House, the Ka‘aba. May our pain be taken from us, our son Haji Mehmet, may our pain go away. O my God, Allah, Allah. He said Allah, Allah and moved on, walking across the water. M? sh? All?hu k?n wa m? lam yash? lam yak?n. O our Lord, our Subh?n. Allah Almighty has given us the greatest honour in that He says: I have created you for My sake. I have created you for Myself. khalaqtu l-khalqa li ajl?. O our Lord, You have made Your Beloved to be a mirror. Your Beloved said Allah, sall-Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Everything is His. Who looks at this world is rubbish. Look to Allah, search for Allah. That slave girl said: All that I need is you. I am not in need of all your jewels. Look to Allah, so that you might be refreshed, strengthened. May Shaytan be defeated. Destroy the fortresses of Shaytan. There are things to be destroyed. There are things to be destroyed. Allah has called us to be with Him, so dont ignore His summons and go elsewhere. Dont run from Him. O our Lord, O our Lord, open our hearts to You, O Lord, let us not be of those who are chasing after the dunya, O Lord. O man, be the servant of the Lord who honoured you with the honour of being human, of being My deputy, be a servant to Me. Think of nothing else. Say Allah. Say nothing else. O Allah, Dress upon the Hajjis who are coming to the Holy House, in these days of blessing, the robe of health, the robe of honour. Dress on them the robe of faith, and dress upon us a robe of love. Let us love our Lord. May all the worries we are carrying be taken from us. Our Lord laughs at us. Does Allah laugh? Yes, He laughs. He laughs. Allah Almighty. We are Your weak servants. Do forgive us, O Allah. You are Subh?n, You are Sult?n. You are our God, Allah. Speak the words of tawhid, l? il?ha illAll?h. Make people speak the Name of Allah. O our Lord, grant us health, for the sake of those who are on this day running towards the Holy House, the Great Ka‘aba. Dress us in robes of dignity, faith and honour. Whatever you want, He says, I have and I will give it. Come to My Ka‘aba. Whoever is not able to go there, let him go there with his intention. Am?n, ya Rabb?, ya Kar?m. ya akram al-akram?n, ya akram al-akram?n. There are no bounds to Allah Almightys gifts of bounty. Our God, Allah. For the respect of His most Beloved Prophet. There are angels who take from man the burdens that are pressing on him. They take and carry them away. He will feel lightened and no longer oppressed. He who says Allah, his life will be full of joy. Let us say Allah. Y? H?. O Shah-i Mardan. Your Lovers are in awe of you. Allah, Allah. O Shah-i Mardan, may your lovely words be a remedy for us. May we be honoured by beholding the Holy Ka‘aba. Let us enter into Your Presence, O Lord, in beauty. Allah wishes for His servant to be beautiful. He has created His servant to be beautiful. Dont be ugly. Do not dive into the dunya. The dunya will cloak you in ugliness. Look to the Ka‘aba and you will behold Beauty. al-Fatiha.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 23:25:22 +0000

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