Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, They Wrongly Assumed by Learn - TopicsExpress


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, They Wrongly Assumed by Learn Act Call You should know that the majority of the wrong-doers and sinners rely on the Mercy, the Forgiveness and Generosity of Allaah, while at the same time, neglecting and overlooking His severe punishment. This biased understanding occurred to them because they wrongly assumed the Mercy of Allaah is like tenderness. This [wrong] conclusion was deduced because they likened the Mercy of Allaah to the mercy of the creation, as they think it is similar to how when a person witnesses his enemy being tortured he condoles with him and hence his heart will be soft towards him. While, in fact, the Mercy of Allaah is absolutely not of this kind. As for he who seeks forgiveness while still insisting on committing sins, then indeed, he is like a stubborn person ignoring all the warnings. Ma’ruf al-Karkhi said: ‘Hoping to receive the Mercy of the One who you insist on being disobedient to, is a kind of betrayal and foolishness.’ [Hilyah al-Awliyah 8/367] Some of the wise have said: ‘Allaah ordained to cut the most honorable part of your body {i.e. hand] in this worldly life because of theft equivalent of five carats, therefore a person should never feel safe from His Punishment in the Hereafter.’ Further to the point, when knowing that the intercession of Ibrahim (‘Alayhis Salaam), the intimate friend (Khalil) of Allaah, for his father will be unaccepted and request of the Messenger of Allaah (Sall-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) that Allaah forgives his mother is also unaccepted should make the regular person always in a constant state of worry and fear. This is the meaning that al-Hasan referred to in his statement when he was asked: ‘why do you weep for such long, extended periods of time?’ He replied: ‘I fear that Allaah throw me into Hell, and He does not care’. [Sifat al-Safwah 3/233] Another point is that a person might be punished for sins he may belittle. Therefore, it is necessary to start off with intimidation, in order to ward off sins before they are committed and hence a person can avoid the punishment. Al-Mughirah ibn Makhadish asked al-Hasan: ‘O Abu Sa’id, what should we do about some people whom we associate with and make our hearts in a state of fear [i.e. fearing Allaah and His Punishment]? He responded: O you old man, by Allaah, it is better for you to accompany those who incite you fearfulness [of Allaah and His Punishment] until you enjoy safety [i.e. in the Hereafter] than accompanying those who assure you with safety but afterward [i.e. in the Hereafter] what you fear [Punishment] would befall you.’ [Al-Zuhd of Ibn al-Mubarak (303) and Hilyah al-Awliya (2/150) ✴ Reference: Disturber of The Hearts - By Ibn al-Jawzi (Rahimahullaahu Taala)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:37:32 +0000

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