Bismillahirohmaanirrohiim, Syukur Alhamdullillah. . Talk by - TopicsExpress


Bismillahirohmaanirrohiim, Syukur Alhamdullillah. . Talk by Syaikh Hamza yesterday was so fulfilling to th mind, heart and soul.. I really hope many more will be coming more aware of th Crisis in understanding th knowledge too... Love th simple term use.. Ignorance.. Simple Ignorance Compounded Ignorance Childlike vis a vis Childish.. Touch and Contact turn into Concept Emotional ans Intelectual Sensitivity and knowledge Science being th mist spiritual sign.. Remember..Remind Dunia being a place to remember Allah Importance of Islamic Tradition Literacy and Numeracy (reminded me of left n right brain dominance) Oneness of Knowledge Realization of being Theocentric Civilization The insanity of family relation as th result of immoral values TAALIM & TARBIYAH Understanding meaning of Daulah and State Slogan vs Concept Sphere of knowledge Sphere of Influence Prioritize Order of learning and implementing FIQH Tranformation with Divine or Individual function Being in touch and Inspiration Concept of Empty your mind tht has already being taught in Islam Example of Empathy by muslim namely Sultan Abd Majeed towards famine in Ireland Recommended readings Commitment of ASWJ about necessity of Intelect AQli and Naqli Selfie is Narcissistic True friendship is Nasiha Implement limits at home Inculcate Gentleness Advice about Amal Maaruf Nahi Munkar Characteristic of Islam is about Modesty Do not loose..MALU.. Definition and Distinction...etc... Cant help to wonder...Malaysia has bn given by Allah SWT with exceptional gifted Scholar namely YM Tan Sri Prof Syed Naquib al Attas, Proffesor Diraja Ungku Aziz, Professor Dr.Sidek Baba, Dr Ashraf Wajdi Dasuki..and many more... but th generation of young intellect are not aware about them...or may not bother to find out who they are with so many we have to be reminded by another Mat Salleh on how lucky we are... Thank you Allah for continuosly sending religious Scholars like Syaikh Hamza Yusuf to remind us. In 2 more days there will be more scholars sharing with us talk on TOLERANCE. is free except at UTM where minimal charges need to be paid in helping th ngos.. Lets follow th footstep of Rasullullah SAW who asked Allah SWT to give him more knowledge ..told by Shaikh Hamza yesterday. Thank you Allah.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 03:43:17 +0000

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