Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm بِسْمِ اللّهِ - TopicsExpress


Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيم In the name of ALLAH (God), the BENEFICENT, the MERCIFUL LA ILAH HA IL ALLAH WADAHU WAHDAHU WAHDAH! THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ALLAH, THE ONE AND ONLY ONE! LA ILAH HA LAH ALLAH! MUHAMMAD DAN RASULALLAH! ALLAH U AKBAR! THANKS GREAT PRINCE MICHAEL! A CONVERSATION I HAD WITH ONE OF MY BELOVED SISTERS TRYING TO HELP HER UNDERSTAND ALLAH GOD IN PERSON INCARNATION AND THEOPHANY PLEASE READ SHE HELPED ME TO REVEIL SOME PEARLS THAT I THOUGHT YOU COULD BENEFIT FROM AS WELL AS SCRIPTURES TO SUPPORT THE ARGUMENT AND THE TIME WE ARE IN, PLEASE READ AND GIVE FEED BACK. MY NAME IS JABRIL I GOT IT WHEN I TOOK MY SHAHADA WITH THE SENEGAL FAMILY BY SHEIK ABDULAH SHEIK SAMBS AND THE GRAND MUFTI I WAS BORN WITH THE NAME PETER I FOUND A SEAL THAT SAYS PETER IS JABRIL/GABRIEL IS PETER AND I AM UNDER THE HGHEST ORDER AND FLAG IN ISLAM I AM FRO THE ANCIENT ASIATIC ARABIAN MUFARDIAN SHABBAZIAN FAMILY FROM THE EAST FOUNDERS OF ARABIA MY LORD IS THE AL MAHDI CHRIST MICHAEL ANTHONY MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD AND HIS ALMASI THE MESSIAH RASUL ALLAH KAREEM MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD ATIQ YOMIN THE ANCIENT OF DAYS GRAND FATHER ISA JESUS YAHOSHUA I WAS RESSURECTED TO TEACH THE 440 AND FORTY YEAR SLAVE HERE IN AMERICA AND ALL OVER THE PLANET EARTH AS WELL AS HUMANITY AND MANKIND. I AM NO THE ANGEL BUT THE MAN OF GOD THE SLAVE OF ALLAH ABDULALLAH BORN OF SPERM AND OVRUM BUT I AM ANGELIC THROUGH MY RITES OF PASSAGE I COME TO FINISH THE WORK OF ISA AND MUHAMMAD AND TAKE MY RIGHTFUL PLACE AMONGST THE MAN AND WOMAN OF GOD AND THE ARMY OF THE LORD THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HEAVEN AND THE HOLY UMMAH. I AM SPIRITUAL SUN OF MARYAM AND VIRGIN MARRY DOCTOR CARMEN L.C. PALMER THE TIGER SUN/SON I TOOK A SACRED AND OATH TO TEACH REPROVE AND CIVILIZE YOU AND RAISE THE WOMAN TO HER EXALTED STATE WHICH SHE HAS BEEN DENIED UNTIL THE EXALTATION OF MARYAM MOTHER OF ISA/JESUS/ YAHOSHUA AND THE BLESS MOTHER OF ALAMINAH NABI MUHAMMAD PBUH AND HIS WITH THE CHIEFTESS KHADIJAH I HAVE MUCH TO GIVE REVELATION TO TEACH I WAS HOPING YOU COULD RECEIVE LIKE ALAMIN NABI MUHAMMAD RECEIVED BUT IF NOT YOU WITH BE IN MY PRAYERS DONT HAVE MUCH TIME TO WASTE I WRITE DAY AND NIGHT THAT ALLAH MAY BE WELL PLEASED IF YOU STUDY GABRIEL HE IS MENTIONED COMING IN THE TORAH THE INJIL AND AL KITAB WHY WOULDNT HE BE PRESENT TO DAY GIVING LIGHT IN THE TIME OF DARKNESS AND EVERY TIME HE CAME HE GAVE REVELATION THAT WAS NOT ORDINARY BUT EXTRODINARY AND NEW AND PROFOUND AND NOT ACCEPTED HE CAME TO MICHAEL IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND CALLED HIM THE GREAT PRINCE HE CAME TO MARY AND TOLD HER OF THE FRUIT OF HER WOUND AND HE REVEALED THE QURAN TO MUHAMMAD WHY WOULDNT HE COME IN THE FORM OF A WELL MADE MAN THE GLOY OF GOD AND REVEAL TO THE 440 YEAR OLD SLAVE AND AND YOU Well if you cant believe that god dwells in man how can you bear witness to the old testament as well as the new the WORD OF GOD SAYS ALLAH CREATED MAN IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS IN THE IMAGE OF ALLAH GOD HE CREATED THEM MALE AND FEMALE AND BREATHED INTO THEM OF HIS OWN INSPIRATION AND MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL THE OLD TESTAMENT SAYS WHO IS MAN THAT GOD IS MINDUL WHO IS THE SON OF MAN THAT GOD WOULD COME VISIT, WHO IS THE SON OF MAN NOT SON OF SPIRIT BUT SUN OF MAN LIGHT OF MAN, THE OLD TESTAMENT SAYS THAT MAN IS THE GLORY OF GOD, WHEN GABRIEL IN THE ANNUNCIATION TOLD AND DECLARED THAT MARRY WAS GONNA GIVE BIRTH TO A SAVIOR AND HIS NAME WOULD BE EMANUEL/ GOD WITH US THEN YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE GOD DWELLS IN FLESSH AND BLOOD SINCE HES BORN OF A WOMAN OVUM AND SPIRIT IT BEARS WITNESS TO THE BEGINNING OF GENSIS AND LETS MAN KNOWS HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ALLAH GOD/ HOW CAN YOU BEAR WITNESS TO YAHOUSHUA AS GOD OR SON/SUN OF GOD ND NOT BELEIVE IN THE INCARNATION OR MANIFEST OF GOD IN HIM AND THE TESTAMONY OF THE GOSPEL OR INJIL HES THE SEED OF DAVID ACCORDING TO THE FLESH BUT DECLARED TO BE THE SUN/SON OF GOD ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT OF HOLINESS/ HOW CAN YOU SAY YOU BELEIVE IN JAH/YAH AND AND THE MEANIND OF YAH/JAH MEANS HE WHO IS WHO WAS WHO SHALL BE MANIFEST ISNT A INCARNATION REICARNATION THEOPHANY A MANIFEST OF ALLAH GOD IN ANOTHER FORM THE HOLY QURAN SAYS THAT ALLAH GLORIFIES HIMSELF IN HIS CREATION AND THE BIBLE STATES THAT MAN IS THE GLORY OF GOD. HOW CAN YOU SAY YOU BELIEVE IN YAHWEH/YAH/JAH AND DONT BELIVE IN ELIJAH AS A MANIFESTATION OF GOD IN MAN AND A RASUL WHEN THE BOOK OF MALACHI SAYS BEFORE THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD I WILL SEND ELIJAH HE WILL TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHER TO THE CHILDREN AND THE HEART OF THE CHILDREN TO THEIR FATHERS, HAVENT THE 440 AND FORTY YEAR OLD SLAVE BEEN ENSTRANGED FROM THERE FATHER ALLAH GOD IN THE WEST THEIR ANCESTORS THEIR RELIGION ISLAM AND SELVES, ELI ELI ELO ELO MEANS MOST HIGH JAH/YAH/YAHWEH/JEHOVAH DONT THEY PRAISE GOD IN THE BIBLE THE TEMPLE AND CHURCH BY SAYING HALLELUJAH/ AND DOESNT MUHAMMAD MEAN ONE WORTHY OF PRAISE PRAISED MUCH. WHEN YOU READ THE HOLY QURAN WHAT MESSENGER IS IT TALKING ABOUT IN SAJDAH AND YASIN WHEN GOD SENT A WARNER TO A PEOPLE WHO DID NOT HAVE A WARNER, WHO IS THAT REVERING TO NOT PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH OR THE ARABIAN PEOPLE THEY SAID THEY HAD ABRAHAM AND ISHMAEL WHO SET UP THE KABA THAT THEY FELL AWAY FROM AND MUHAMMAD BROUGHT THEM BACK. THE HOLY QURAN SAYS ALLAH SENDS A WARNER (RASUL) TO EVERY NATION WHEN DID AMERICA GET A WARNER AND THE 440 YEAR OLD SLAVE AND THE NATIVE AMERICA TO DELIVER THEM FROM THEM THEIR OPPRESSOR AND TEACH THEM THEIR RELIGION AND ORIGINAL LANGUAGE. IF YOU BELIEVE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT THEN YOU KNOW THAT MELCHEZIDEK WHO THEY DONT MENTION IN TH HOLY QURAN WAS A INCARNATION THEOPHANY OF ALLAH GOD/EL ELYON AND HIS HIGH PRIEST AND THE PROPHET ABRAHAM BROUGHT A TENTH TITHES TO HIM AND HE WAS THE KING OF JERUSALEM SALEM ARIEL JEBUS SALIM THE KING OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND THAT ELIJAH AND ENOCH ESCAPED DEATH AND WERE MADE NEW CREATIONS IN ALLAH GOD AND CHRIST AND BCAME THE ARCH AND DIVINE ANGELS OF THE PRESENCE SANDALPHON AND METRATRON, THE BIBLE AND NEW TESTAMENT ALSO STATES THAT YE ARE ALL GOD CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH GOD THIS IS WHY YOU RECEIVE THE EL OR ELOHIM IN FRONT OF OR BEHIND YOUR NAME THAT THE NAME WHICH MEANS GOD/ LESSOR GODS BUT GOD. SO YOU ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE VERY REVELATION AND SCRIPTURE THAT YOU CLAIM TO BELIEVE IN MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU WITH THE LIGHT OF UNDERSTANDING. AS SALAAM ALAIKUM PEACE BE UNTO YOU IQRA READ AND RECITE I AM BUT A FAITHFUL WARNER SERVANT AND HELPER IN THE CAUSE OF ALLAH FOR OUR SALVATION THE KNOWLEDGE BOOK is a combination of all the books in the east and the codes and creeds of the torah the injil and al kitab the holy quran these books have been foundation for our life rapped in almighty god allah and the divine nut in the holy quran the iyats says that we as muslim are to believe in that which was revealed before us in our time and that which is to come. With Allah revelation is endless the kyat in the holy quran says that if the trees were as pens and the lakes ocean and rivers as ink you could not exhaust the words of almighty god Allah. So that means there is much more to come and we agree that knowledge wisdom and understanding are infinite thats why we call on and have the attribute of Allah as Al fattah the revealer. The preen world has had these divine books and instructions but have failed to act in accord with the light love and instruction there in. the fact that the apostles of isa/yahoshua/jesus was murdered right after his sacrifice and the great acts of the apostles and that Ali and Omar the Khalifahs of Alamin Nabi Muhammad and the present condition of the holy ummah and islam is at a disarray right now shows that the light in these divine doctrine has not been enough to shed light to help us overcome the darkness of the present world and its rulers as well as the deceases and plagues that we contend with everyday. this book bilgi kitabi the knowledge book is not a book of worship but revelation to shed light on what was is and shall always be it deciphers the codes of the books before it and brings healing light understanding and guidance to the next and final phase of the resurrection that Al Mahdi and Al Masi the Messiah are the usher and heralds of. Remember Isa/ Yahoshua/Jesus in the gospel/injil said i go away i come back again i go away and you see me no more because the ruler of this world is not of me but when he comes the spirit of truth he will testify of me and guide you into all truth. This means more is to come much more, we believe that Muhammad is the seal of the nabis the prophets but not the seal of the rasuls/ messengers of Allah god or the seal of Allah. I have some books that will help you understand more with detail and what you have and crack the codes cyphers and times locks there in i hope you let me add to your reservoir of knowledge. I truly love you and have taken the oath and pledge to teach fight live and die for your salvation and enlightenment i am the product of many and the product of the supreme one all mighty god Allah. I want to help as abdulallah the servant of god thats what Jabril/ Gabriel/ name means. Remember ever time revelation came from the servant angels prophet Malikas it was because they failed in what they were given and the revelation before I am Jabril here to shed light on what has failed in the present dark world which we are in none of the revelations has given enough light to expell the darkness of this world and of man a woman hearts who Almighty god in trusted to be care takers of the world I am a extension and warner of Allahs grace and mercy by his permission not an angel of light but a man born of flesh and blood and of sin resurrected in the image and likeness of god an El/Elohim like yourself given the name Gabriel Gavriel Jabril made angelic and a warrior for the salvation of all humanity and mankind a slave to Allah a medicine and ansar helper in the cause of Allah for yours and many salvation yes Allah is the healer but he gives revelation and light when he wants to give his medicine to whom he please. THE KNOWLEDGE BOOK bears witness to Allah Muhammad, Islam, Ali, Omar, and all the messengers prophets and lessor gods.i would never give you anything that would destroy your faith I am bond by my oath and convenient with The Lord so pray on it and ask Allah to reveal my intent and the book and go from there I will respect whatever decision you make and still love and serve you This is the importance of the Nation of Islam and its divine warners and teachers.The holy prophet alamin nabi muhammad (pbuh) was the seal of the prophets not the seal of the rasuls. He is the last prophet to come but his prophesy said that two were coming after him after the islamic world would fall away from his teaching. he said three generations after him would not be of him and he saw the footsteps of balal entering into paradise before his own, the black slave the caller to prayer and humanity and mankind back to faith. he taught of the return of imam almasi, the messiah jesus and the coming of the great mahdi, Imam almasi Al hadi the guide. this is where master fard muhammad and rasulallah kareem most honorable elijah muhammad comes in the picture. im a descendant from slavery, my ancient ancestors were brought here to north america against their own will there religion islam was taken from them as well as their god Allah and asiatic arabian history and religion. they were raised in christianity and hatred for them selves and islam. It wasnt until the coming of master fard muhammad and a few other ansaris or helpers in the cause of allah that the blackman in america was given the truth of Allah, alamin nabi muhammad (pbuh) and islam. this work was being done by Rasulallah kareem most honorable Elijah muhammad so that we could come back to the faith. THE HOLY QURAN CHAPTER 32 SAJDAH In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 32:1 I, Allah, am the Best Knower. 32:2 The revelation of the Book, there is no doubt in it, is from the Lord of the worlds. 32:3 Or do they say: He has forged it? Nay, it is the Truth from thy Lord that thou mayest warn a people to whom no warner has come before thee that they may walk aright.((RASULALLAH ELIJAH MUHAMMAD TO THE SO CALLED AMERICAN NEGRO, 440 YEAR OLD BLACK AND RED SLAVES) 32:4 Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods, and He is established on the Throne of Power. You have not besides Him a guardian or an intercessor. Will you not then mind? 32:5 He orders the Affair from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years as you count. 32:6 Such is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty, the Merciful, 32:7 Who made beautiful everything that He created, and He began the creation of man from dust. 32:8 Then He made his progeny of an extract, of worthless water. 32:9 Then He made him complete Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيم In the name of ALLAH (God), the BENEFICENT, the MERCIFUL LA ILAH HA IL ALLAH WADAHU WAHDAHU WAHDAH! THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ALLAH, THE ONE AND ONLY ONE! LA ILAH HA LAH ALLAH! MUHAMMAD DAN RASULALLAH! ALLAH U AKBAR! THANKS GREAT PRINCE MICHAEL! THE HOLY QURAN CHAPTER 36 YASIN In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 36:1 O man, 36:2 By the Quran, full of wisdom! 36:3 Surely thou art one of the messengers,(RASULALLAH ELIJAH MUHAMMAD) 36:4 On a right way. 36:5 A revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful, 36:6 That thou mayest warn a people whose fathers were not warned, so they are heedless. (SO CALLAED AMERICAN NEGRO, 440 YEAR OLD BLACK AND RED SLAVES) 36:7 The word has indeed proved true of most of them, so they believe not. 36:8 Surely We have placed on their necks chains reaching up to the chins, so they have their heads raised aloft. 36:9 And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, thus We have covered them, so that they see not. 36:10 And it is alike to them whether thou warn them or warn them not — they believe not. 36:11 Thou canst warn him only who follows the Reminder and fears the Beneficent in secret; so give him good news of forgiveness and a generous reward. 36:12 Surely We give life to the dead, and We write down that which they send before and their footprints, and We record everything in a clear writing. BIBLE And he [God] said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; Gen 15:14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. BIBLE Exo 12:40 Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. Exo 12:41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. Exo 12:42 It [ie Passover]is a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations. Exo 12:43 And the LORD said unto Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the passover: BIBLEAct 7:1 Then the high priest said, Then do you so hold these things? Act 7:2 And he [Stephen] said, Men, brothers, and fathers, listen: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran. Act 7:3 And He said to him, Go out from your land and from your kindred, and come into a land which I shall show you. Act 7:4 Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and lived in Haran. And from there, when his father was dead, he moved into this land in which you now dwell. Act 7:5 And He gave him no inheritance in it, no, not even a foot-breadth. And He promised that He would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, there being no child to him. Act 7:6 And God spoke in this way, that his [Abrahams] seed [ descendants of his grandson Israel, ie Israelites] would be a tenant in another land, and that they [ie that other land] would enslave it [ie the future nation of Israel] and oppress it four hundred years. Act 7:7 And God said, I will judge the nation to whom they shall be in bondage, and after these things they will come out and will serve Me in this place. Act 7:8 And He gave him the covenant of circumcision. And so Abraham fathered Isaac and circumcised him the eighth day. And Isaac fathered Jacob, and Jacob the twelve patriarchs. Act 7:9 And being jealous of Joseph, the patriarchs sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him [Joseph] Act 7:10 and plucked him out from all his afflictions, and He gave him favor and wisdom over against Pharaoh king of Egypt. And he [pharoah] appointed him [Joseph] governor over Egypt and all his household. Act 7:11 But a famine came over all the land of Egypt and Canaan, and a great affliction. And our fathers found no food. Act 7:12 But hearing grain was in Egypt, Jacob sent out our fathers first. Act 7:13 And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brothers, and Josephs race was made known to Pharaoh. Act 7:14 And seeing, Joseph called his father Jacob, and all his kindred, seventy-five souls. Act 7:15 And Jacob went down into Egypt and died, he and our fathers, Act 7:16 and were carried over into Shechem. And they were laid in the tomb that Abraham bought for a price of silver from the sons of Emmor the father of Shechem. Act 7:17 But as the time was drawing near, of the promise which God had sworn to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt, Act 7:18 until another king arose who did not know Joseph. Act 7:19 Dealing subtly with our race, this one oppressed our fathers, causing their infants to be exposed, so as not to be left alive. Act 7:20 In this time Moses was born, and was beautiful to God, who was brought up three months in his fathers house. Act 7:21 And he being cast out, Pharaohs daughter took him up and reared him for a son to her. Act 7:22 And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds. Act 7:23 And when a period of forty years was fulfilled to him, it arose in his heart to look upon his brothers, the sons of Israel. Act 7:24 And seeing one being wronged, he defended him. and avenged him who was oppressed and struck the Egyptian. Act 7:25 For he thought his brothers would understand that God would give them deliverance by his hand. But they did not understand. Act 7:26 And the next day he appeared to them while fighting. And he urged them to peace, saying, Men, you are brothers, why do you wrong one another? Act 7:27 But he who wronged his neighbor thrust him away, saying, Who made you a ruler and a judge over us? Act 7:28 Will you not kill me as you did the Egyptian yesterday? Act 7:29 And Moses fled at this word, and became a temporary resident in the land of Midian, where he fathered two sons. Act 7:30 And forty years being fulfilled to him, the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in the desert of Mount Sinai in a flame of fire in a bush. Act 7:31 And seeing it, Moses marveled at the sight. And as he drew near to see, the voice of the Lord came to him: Act 7:32 saying, I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. But Moses trembled and dared not look. Act 7:33 Then the Lord said to him, Loosen the sandal on your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground. Act 7:34 I have seen, the affliction of My people in Egypt, and I have heard their groan; and I came down to pluck them out. And now come, I will send you into Egypt. Act 7:35 This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made you a ruler and a judge? God has sent this one to be a ruler and a redeemer by the hand of the Angel who appeared to him in the Bush. Act 7:36 He [Moses] brought them out after he had worked wonders and miracles in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the wilderness forty years. THERE HAVE BEEN MANY VIOLENT ACTS WHICH WERE UNJUST AND UNFAIR CARRIED OUT IN THE NAME OF GOD BY ALL RELIGIONS. THE CHRISTIANS WITH THE CRUSADES AND SLAVERY WITH THE BLACK AND RED MAN WOMAN WHO WERE SUBJECTED TO 440 YEARS OF TORTURE WITH THE USE OF JESUS HOLY NAME AND THE CROSS. MUSLIMS WHO KILLED ALI AND OMAR IN THE HOLY MASJID! WEVE ALWAYS HAD MEN AND WOMAN MISREPRESENT GOD. THE JEWS AND JESUS.... I WILL PRAY THAT WE ALL COME BACK TO THE DIVINE WAY OF GOD AND TO THE FOLD OF ISLAM, WITH THE GOSPEL AND THE LOVE OF CHRIST TO GIVE A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEMS WITHOUT COMPROMISE. YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO BE BETTER AND SEEKING KNOWLEDGE WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. MAY ALLAH AND CHRIST BE WITH YOU! IM SORRY BEAUTIFUL BROTHERS AND SISTERS I LEFT OUT AN IMPORTANT NUMBER IN THE EQUATION OF NUMBER 7. THERE ARE SEVEN TRUMPETS TO BLOW BEFORE THE END OF THIS PRESNT TIME TO USHER IN THE TIME OF GOD AND CHRIST UNDER THE NUMBER 7. LA ILAH HA IL ALLAH WADAHU WAHDAHU WAHDAH! THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ALLAH, THE ONE AND ONLY ONE! LA ILAH HA LAH ALLAH! MUHAMMAD DAN RASULALLAH! ALLAH U AKBAR! THANKS GREAT PRINCE MICHAEL! ... THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH RASULALLAH KAREEM MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD TAUGHT US THE TIME AND WHAT MUST BE DONE AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NUMBERS HE SAID ISLAM IS MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICS IS ISLAM AND CAN BE PROVEN AT NO LIMITED OF TIME. HE TAUGHT US THE NUMBER OF GOD HUMANITY AND MAN AND THE NUMBER OF THE DEVIL THE BEAST AND HOW TO COME OUT THAT NUMBER. THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST OR IMPERFECTION IS 6. AND THE NUMBER OF GOD THAT WE MUST FIRST ACCEPT OF GOD TO COME OUT OF THAT NUMBER IS 7. HERE SOME FACTS THAT NEED TO BE STUDIED ABOUT THE THE NUMBERS 6 AND 7 AND THEIR PLACE IN BIBLE AND QURAN! 7 HEAVENS OF THE HOLY QURAN 7 HEAVENS IS WHERE JESUS ASCENDED TO 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK 7 SACRIFICIAL LAMBS ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE 7 RABONIS ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE 7 TH DAY THE DEVIL REST GOD RULE THE HOLY SABBAOTH SABBATHIEL CHRIST MICHAEL MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD 7 THUNDERS DECLARING THE GLORY OF GOD ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE 7 COLORS OF THE RAINBOW (RED, YELLOW. BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, INDIGO AND VIOLET) 7 LAMPSTANDS 7 CHURCHESS OF ASIA 7 ARCHANGELS OF THE PRESENCE AND THE 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK. (MICHAEL, GABRIEL/JABRIL, RAPHAEL, URIEL JEHUDIEL, SEALTIEL, BARACHIEL)/(MICHAEL, GABRIEL, URIEL, RAPHAEL, IEHUDIEL, TSELATHIEL, BARACHIEL)/(MICHAEL, GABRIEL, CAMAEL, RAPHAEL, SACHIEL, ANAEL, CASSIEL)/ MICHAEL, GABRIEL, URIEL, RAPHAEL, ARIEL, EMANUEL, ALAMIN)! 7TH ANGEL WHO REVIELS THE MYSTERY OF GOD AND TIME THAT THE DEVIL KNOWS IS NO MORE! 7 ASPECTS OF MAN (SOUL, MIND, BODY, INTELLECT, EMOTIONS, SPIRIT, PSYCHE) 7 ASCENDED MASTERS MICHAEL, ELIJAH, JESUS. MUHAMMAD, BUDDHA, PACAL VOTAN, MACHAVENTA MELCHEZIDEK HIGH PRIEST OF ALLAH EL ELYON (MOST HIGH) 7 SPIRITS OF GOD 7 TRUMPETS OF GOD 7 STARS OF GOD 7 LAST PLAGUES OF GOD LA ILAH HA IL ALLAH WADAHU WAHDAHU WAHDAH! THERE IS NO GOD EXCEPT ALLAH, THE ONE AND ONLY ONE! LA ILAH HA LAH ALLAH! MUHAMMAD DAN RASULALLAH! ALLAH U AKBAR! THANKS GREAT PRINCE MICHAEL! THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH RASULALLAH KAREEM MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD TAUGHT US THE TIME AND WHAT MUST BE DONE AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NUMBERS HE SAID ISLAM IS MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICS IS ISLAM AND CAN BE PROVEN AT NO LIMITED OF TIME. HE TAUGHT US THE NUMBER OF GOD HUMANITY AND MAN AND THE NUMBER OF THE DEVIL THE BEAST AND HOW TO COME OUT THAT NUMBER. THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST OR IMPERFECTION IS 6. AND THE NUMBER OF GOD THAT WE MUST FIRST ACCEPT OF GOD TO COME OUT OF THAT NUMBER IS 7. HERE SOME FACTS THAT NEED TO BE STUDIED ABOUT THE THE NUMBERS 6 AND 7 AND THEIR PLACE IN BIBLE AND QURAN! 6 ACCORDING TO BIBLE AND QURAN AND ELIJAHS TEACHING! 66 BOOKS IN THE BIBLE OLD TESTAMENT AND NEW TESTAMENT COMBINED! 6 DAYS GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH AND MAN AND ON THE 7TH DAY HE RESTED THE SABBATH! 6000 YEARS THE BIBLE IS A HISTORY BOOK 0F THE HOLY PROPHETS! 666 IS THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF REVELATION! 60 SECONDS IN A MINUTE 60 MINUTES IN A HOUR 6 DAYS WE WORK AND ONE DAY WE REST 6000 YEARS THE DEVIL WOULD RULE AND ON THE LAST MILLENIUM THE 7TH THOUSAND YEAR WOULD BE THE RULE OF GOD AND CHRIST WITH THE SAINT FOR A THOUSAND YEARS TO SEWT UP THE KINGDOM OF GOD ON EARTH 600 YEARS AFTER JESUS MUHAMMAD THE HOLY PROPHET CAME! 6 PERIODS OF TIME CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH AND ON THE 6TH PERIOD ALLAH THEN MOUNTED THE THRONE ACCORDING TO THE HOLY QURAN 6666 VERSES OF SCRIPTURE MAKE UP THE QURAN 600 HUNDRED YEARS TO PRODUCE DEVIL AS SAID BY THE MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD 1 + 5,9000 OF THE ASIATIC ORIGINAL PEOPLE BLACK TO MAKE DEVIL OR MANKIND YACOOB OR JACOB OD JOHN BEING THE 1 TO RULE AS GOD OVER THE 59,000 UNTIL THEY PRODUCED THEIR DEVIL WHICH TOOK A PROCESS OF 600 YEARS TO MAKE SUPREME TO RULE THE DARKER PEOPLE OF THE EARTH FOR 6000 YEARS TO THE COMING OF JESUS, MUHAMMAD, AND GOD HIMSELF CHRIST MICHAEL (ATEN) ANTHONY MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD HIMSELF TO BREAK THE DEVIL RULE AND SET THE CAPTIVE SLAVE FREE TO FULFILL THE PROPHESY OF THE BIBLE THAT A PEOPLE WOULD BE IN A STRANGE PLACE THAT WAS NOT THEIR OWN FOR 440 YEARS AND AFTER THAT 440 YEARS GOD WOULD COME HIS SELF AND SET THEM THEM FREE. HE WOULD BE THEIR GOD AND THEY WOULD BE HIS PEOPLE!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:58:42 +0000

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