Bisrat Negash It means you joined the new movement of head - TopicsExpress


Bisrat Negash It means you joined the new movement of head covering. Interesting! Bisrat Negash hawey, sorry to say this but I do not expect such immature statements form you such as what you posted here. Let me ask you this: Have you ever known me all rounded, I mean everything I believe and I stand for that you say I joined certain movement now? If your claim is true then, can you tell me when I joined that movement? Which day and which year!? Many years back I was in Bible College in Eritrea (beginning 1996). The Bible College I went in was run by Assemblies of God. The Assemblies of God believes that 1st Corinthians 11, 14 and 1 Timothy 2:9-15 is cultural. In fact it was from these missionaries that I heard the words “temporal, cultural but not universal” for the first time in my Christian walk. Being their student, I 100% rejected their teaching on these issues. My conviction was so strong as it is today and unwavering. My determination was one: if they even dismiss me from the college, let it be so! So I challenged them. I remember very well for example when I used the argument Paul did not mention a certain woman from Ephesus or Corinth. Paul mentioned Eve and Eve represents every human born woman on earth, I said. Because of that the head teacher was very angry at me. In fact he dared to call me stubborn for my beliefs and yet we are friends until today. There was a sister from the Full Gospel church, she was so furious at me. First she tried to argue with me. Then when she saw that she could not win the argument, she told me:“ DeHan (its ok) you and Betsue are like this…….I know you will stop believing this teaching later,” she said angrily! I can’t forget the incident and how much angry she was at me. Could this sister being a long time pastors’ wife heard about the new movement that was invading Christianity, the feminist and egalitarian movements in today’s Christendom!? I had no idea and I still have no idea about that today. I know one thing, the only Bible I read at the time was the Tigrigna Bible without no commentary or outline in it. I read it and I believed it literally. However, when I see our sister’s claim today, I never changed my teaching and conviction particularly on this issue regardless of what! My Brother Bisrat Negash, do you think then I joined this movement you are claiming those years or this month!? You know, I had no any access to the outside world, no access to media and all the mass commentaries of todays in Christianity. In fact one of the accusations our teachers at that time assumed and spoke to us from the pulpit was this: “You people,” the head teacher said, “since you have been in war for 30 years, you have been isolated from the rest of the world such long. That is why you are believing such false teachings …” It was only the Assemblies of God who introduced us to their famous Bible version the NIV, their Study life Bible and their commentaries and their many books for the first time and of course everything was denominated by their teachings. I thank God for what He did in my life through these precious servants. Again, if certain group or call them movement or even a cult like the Jehovah witnesses teaches certain things, certain truth from the Bible in a right way, I am not afraid of being accused of joining certain group or movement! I boldly repeat what the Bible says regardless of which group or movement believes in that particular Bible passage! For example, the Jehovah witnesses argue with you by quoting Matt 24:36 saying that Jesus did not know the day of the second coming. And I teach the same truth by quoting the same verse without any retreat or being afraid of any accusation of joining them by using a verse which they emphatically twist! No! Otherwise we will stop teaching the Bible, the whole counsel of God. I believe and believed many of the good and right teachings of the Assemblies of God because they are clear in the Bible, like the only way to salvation, mission, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit and so on. However, on certain teachings I had a clear difference from them from the very beginning. If I believe, repeat and teach what God taught through Paul and the rest of the other faithful servants, then I definitely know I am in final movement, the ultimate move of God. Is there any so-called new movement that makes a new claim, a new revelation that was not revealed to the first century apostles, and then it should be rejected! However, if any group believes what the Bible teaches, they have no a biblical ground to call themselves new movements ( I say this to any so-called movement!) I do not follow any new movement! For I follow the ultimate move of God, the move of God clearly stated in the 27 New Testament books. All the first century born again believers were in that glorious move. In fact they all were called the people of The way. Yes, in the early days of Gods move all the churches of God were also known as the people of The Way! 1) Saul of Tarsus persecuted those of the Way (Acts 9:2; 22:4) 2) Others spoke evil of the Way (Acts 19:9) 3) At Ephesus there was a riot about the Way (Ac ts 19:23) 4) Paul confessed that he worships God according to the Way ( Acts 24:14) 5) Felix the governor gained accurate knowledge about the Way (Acts 24:22) Yes, anyone who have learned to serve and worship God according to the way (Acts 24:14) never joins certain so-called new movements! I do not subscribe to any separate doctrine or teaching and practice of a so-called group or movement. I believe in the whole counsel of God. The entire Bible is my constitution! I do acknowledge the existing movements as positive and biblical. I strictly follow the great principle Paul was walking in ( I learned this greatest truth from him): The Corinthians divided in four different new movements: 1) one movement was those who follow or belong to Paul, 2) the second movement those who follow belong to Peter, 3) the third movement those who follow or belong to Apollos, and 4) the fourth movement, those who claim that the follow or belong to Christ (doctrinally, the 4th group was right, however, it seems they made this claim with a divisive spirit. It is clear this group did not walk in the unique plane Paul was walking). Paul and his co-workers never joined one of these four movements. Why because Paul and his co-workers had the mind of Christ. Again, if you have the mind of Christ, you never join a certain group or movement! Paul rebuked all the four movements and corrected them, restored them back to God’s original mind, the mind of Christ! What is that mind? The greatest and indisputable truth is that all (not just specialists few but all) born again believers belong to Christ and must follow Christ and Him alone. “So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours, 22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas[c] or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, 23 and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.” (1st Cor.3:21-23) That means, no boasting in man, no boasting and JOINING in a so-called new movement, no boasting in a denomination, any denomination, which all are denominated with certain teachings (not the whole counsel of God but certain teachings from the Bible), no boasting in Peter, Paul, Luther … give all the names! Anyone who boasts must boast in the Lord Jesus! We all belong to Him! We all must follow Him. We all must highly treasure His unique and new teaching (which is the 27 books of the New Testament) and Him alone! Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:58:03 +0000

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