Bit of Fluff for tomorrows Game: High Orbit of Forge-world - TopicsExpress


Bit of Fluff for tomorrows Game: High Orbit of Forge-world Angstrom: The Quiet murmuring of the bridge stilled for a moment as FleetMaster Oversteegan came out of his ready room and stepped onto his command dais. Grimly he surveyed the plot screen, The green icons of his command were arrayed in high orbit station keeping above the forge world while two wedges of yellow icons of unknowns approached from the jump limit, labeled Bogey 1 and Bogey 2. Anything From the Deep tracking stations Yet, Pater? He quietly asked the Watch Officer. Yes sir its coming in now. As Pater Spoke, Both wedges of Yellow intruders abruptly turned the Blue of Friendly forces But crossed with the red lines of training maneuvers opfors. We have confirmation sir, Bogey 1 is the Inquisition Taskforce, and Bogey 2 is made up of Badab Battlefleet ships, Lord Hurons Forces, Sir.. I wish ... Oversteegan gave his officer a grim smile. Yes, if only it were some foul xenos instead , how much easier this would be. Keying communications on his console Oversteegan ordered them to record a message for broadcast to the oncoming ships. Do you think it will do any good Sir? Pater Asked. Someone has to try to stop this madness The FleetMaster Replied. Live mike Sir My Name Is Treyvan Oversteegan, Fleetmaster of the Mentor Legion Task force you are approaching, The Forgefathers of Angstrom have made it clear they want no part of your internecine conflict and wish to preserve their neutrality. My Chapter owes certain Debts of Honor to the Forgefathers and thus they have asked us to preserve their desired Neutrality. Understand I have no wish to Engage you, However I cannot allow you to Wantonly Attack this Vital world, I will Do As Honor Demands and Engage and Destroy any Vessel that continues to approach, Turn back NOW! This will be your only Warning. Please Brothers, This madness must end, The Entire Western reach of this sector has been lost to Xenos! Even Now An Ork Invasion threatens Sacristan! and Yet we fight among ourselves. It Is My personal Belief that Lord Hurons Grievance Has merit, but I cannot Condone his actions. Emperor Guide You all. Oversteegan Out The Minutes ticked past and There was no reply from Either Fleet. Suddenly the Tactical Servitors Board lit up, Weapon Fire Detected, Bogey one and two are firing on one other the Servitor Reported in a flat Emotionless Voice. He Continued I show Attack Craft and Torpedo Separation from Multiple Vessels, Warning Multiple Torpedoes Incoming DAMN THE FOOLS! The Fleetmaster snarled, slamming his Armored Gauntlet on the Console Rim. Composing himself, He ordered fleet wide comms, The holos of his Strike Cruiser captains shimmering into existence along with the readiness icons of the escorts. Brothers, Im afraid theyve given us no Choice, I have to declare Case Zulu. ALL, I repeat, ALL Ships entering Angstrom Space are hereby to be treated as Hostile forces. May the Emperor Forgive Us for what we are about to do, Engage and Destroy the Enemy. That is all The Plot pulsed crimson as the Red-striped Blue Icons suddenly flashed Solid Red, Tactical- Take us to Battle stations, Helm- Take us to meet them In the privacy of his thoughts Oversteegan Cursed Hurons Stiff-necked Pride for leading them into this, But there was no Turning back, the Worst infighting the Imperium had experienced in 4 Millennia was about to Begin. The BADAB WAR was Truly Begun.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:36:44 +0000

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