Biti project - interrogating future prospects During heated - TopicsExpress


Biti project - interrogating future prospects During heated debate over my article yesterday, which, once again, reflected the flop that the Biti project is sinking into, Promise Mkwananzi brought up a very interesting proposition or dimension. Mkwananzi, the former secretary general of the MDC youth assembly, was expelled for being part of the Biti rebellion, and is one of the figures spearheading what is set to be formation of a stand alone entity by the rebel group. Mkwananzi has become willing to engage and debate my analyses of the Biti project, in a markedly interactive manner. During yesterdays debate, he dropped a major hint of what, in my assessment, could reflect the rebel groups reluctant admission of what l have been saying since the plot started unfolding, that it would fail - at least in the immediate term. Mkwananzi claimed, as l quote below, that their focus is beyond the next election. He said, We are not even looking at 2018. We are building an alternative narrative for the future. Yes, we will get to 2018 and get whatever we will get. Tsvangirai might even get more seats but not the highest trophy on the land, but 2023 l can assure you. Very interesting and this automatically provoked my attention for analysis and assessment. Just what are the chances of the Biti project becoming the new force, about eight years from now, given what we have seen and experienced so far? Generally, giving the benefit of doubt, it would be concluded that the rebel group could have enough time to put its house in order, develop a clear position and focus as well as gain traction. That, essentially could, at the best, be a too abstract supposition and projection. It begs for a deeper and more realistic interrogation. More realistically and practically, we have enough indicators pointing towards what appears likely to become a huge flop even into the second round of elections from now. My first basis for making this prediction is my firm belief in the fact that the manner of take-off for a political party in Africa determines whether it lays a firm foundation, or sets its roots in loose sand - thereby determing its future. Granted, and beyond any reasonable doubt, the Biti project has taken off in the worst manner imaginable, probably which has started making the likes of Mkwananzi become sober and more realistic about what lies ahead. I have consistently said it from the beginning, and hereby reiterate, that the Biti project, as we stand now and going by how things have unfolded, is a huge scandal. I have interrogated and unpacked that in other articles, but for now, suffice to reiterate that, l am convinced there are hidden forces that rang the alarm bell on the MDC rebels to plunge into self consuming chaos and hullabaloo sold out as a renewal project. That major push factor forced the rebel group to run over itself, commit suicide recklessly and, most crucially, present themselves as fools whose mission is fraught with inconsistency, drama, posturing and cheap grandstanding. The rebels Mandel farce is just one poignant example of the hotch potch that has been the hallmark of their project. Notwithstanding whatever gaffes and contrived acts they may stage, the Mandel debacle epitomised the rebels deep rooted delusional mentality and self deception - right in front of the whole world. Now, l have no doubt, and can bet my bottom dollar, that these factors have wrought devastating effects on public opinion and attitudes towards the Biti project. The clowning and bungling chaos of the rebels has effectively released MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai off the hook of whatever failures he had to own up for at this stage, including the cocktail of bombshells that had been created by the rebels for pulling him down and destroying him. Tsvangirai, in reality, has restored firm control of the heart and soul of the massive MDC movement, largely thanks to the madness and recklessness of the rebels. Inversely, the rebels have, quite shockingly, assumed the tag of poisoned chalice by clearly demonstrating a mission that is mainly regarded as bent on destroying the MDC, or Tsvangirai brand. The rebels shall be haunted and struggle to shed off the poison of being seen as a Zanu PF project. Having said that, it inevitably adds up to a summation of the Biti projected being doomed even going into the second election from now. I seriously doubt their chances and capacity to dismantle the poisoned foundation they have recklessly set to take off from. I believe initial impressions and attitudes created within the people take long to die in our societies. That is one of the major reasons behind Tsvangirais continued retention of the popular support base, clearly against all the odds. The second factor making me predict doom for the Biti project even into 2023 - that is if it survives all the way - is the concept of progressional gain and growth. In other words, the Biti entity would have to grow and develop from something, or a base, which must be established initially and into their first election contest. Part of the initial foundation is the rigmarole and chaos l have articulated above. And, l dont see the rebel group putting anything that gets something in the next election. Unless there are drastic changes in their DNA, strategies and focus, l dont see the rebels getting a single seat at the next election - even if they would have fixed some coalition with one or two other small players, which l have already found to be another mission headed for the rocks. That therefore presents the likelihood of the rebels, in whatever format they would be, still get to 2020 battling to establish ground and breathing space. I detect deeply entrenched arrogance and delusional thinking within the group, which makes them take the challenges for granted. Yet, the challenge and real battle is about winning the support of the people - that, the rebels are losing through staging a drama of confusion, hypocrisy, delusion and recklessness, which could lay their foundation forever.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 04:18:57 +0000

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