Bitter, but True Facts of life. 1. There is nothing free in - TopicsExpress


Bitter, but True Facts of life. 1. There is nothing free in this economical world, if you are get something for free, just know that someone somewhere has paid for it. So if you like getting free things, Know that you are simply a parasite, and your life is a burden to others, In fact when someone look(s) at you coming, they feel worried knowing that you have come to ask (beg) something from them. 2. However rich people are, its their riches, they worked for it only to be enjoyed by their families, Dont ask yourself why they dont help you, Just work and get your own things. The rich did not become rich because of begging but working. 3. No one is perfect, but still you dont need to be imperfect, However much we forgive but when it exceeds normal even if you apologize and we tell you yo forgiven, it wont make sense. 4. Everyone gets sad, never be lied by your little brain that He/she doesnt care even if I do it, He/She cares, gets sad only that he/she is too shy to tell you how they feel. 5. If you have that friend whom you always make sad, but doesnt keep anger for so long. Dont think he doesnt keep anger, its only that he IGNORES what you have done just to save your relationship: But one day he will be fed up of ur endless shits and he will be sad forever. 6. If youre arguing with someone and he keeps quiet after a small argument, dont take urself as a winner of the battle, sometimes he may have seen ur reasoning is weird and childish and he is seeing it as wasting his brain resources to argue with you. 7. The biggest disappointment comes from people u love most. The most betrayal comes from your best friends Simply among ur best friends is ur best enemy, You should be knowing this as you make friendships But this does not mean you avoid making friendships and trusting friends But it simply means, be ready and dont be surprised when the time of disappointments come. When that friend of yours betrays you, be ready to move on. 8. Avoid visting alot your best friend he will finally get tired of u Avoid expecting alot from your friends This will make you disapointed with them all the time Avoid asking/begging alot from your friends This will make them getting tired of your friendship as it will prove to be more of a liability than an asset. 9. Dont be TOO mean when it comes to spending your money, Thats not a strategy of getting rich, But a strateggy of looking cheap Hope you Learn LIKE COMMENT SHARE for others
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 09:00:22 +0000

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