Bitterness and scorned behavior is NOT limited to women. You have - TopicsExpress


Bitterness and scorned behavior is NOT limited to women. You have men who cant accept the fact that youre done with them so what do they do? They allow there ill feelings to spill over onto the child. They cant handle simply discussing all things centered around baby. Instead, they want to talk about who youre seeing, what your relationships status is on Facebook and whether or not you still eat pork. Mind you, Im the type who could truly care less about who youre seeing, taking pictures with, or any other foolishness thats really none of my business and has nothing to do with the child which SHOULD have the luxury of consistent input from both parents, not just one. What makes it worse is when these same men are placed on child support, they whine and cry about the white man being in their business. No other man would have to dictate your pay or stay if YOU simply handled your business. On top pf that, they want to make it appear to outsiders that youre angry because youre not in a relationship when the truth is, YOURE NOT THINKING ABOUT THEIR ASSES! Seriously, nobody wants your ass Delusional Danny.The real problem is that some of you still wanna discuss pussy and your feelings when all some of us more focused parents wanna discuss is diaper wipes and parenting time. All that other shit is for the BIRDS...and your therapist. Just something to ponder.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 05:03:56 +0000

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