Black Director of General Intelligence (1) Since the founding - TopicsExpress


Black Director of General Intelligence (1) Since the founding of Egyptian intelligence General at the hands of the CIA in 1954 , led by Zakaria Mohiuddin man files black in the era of Gamal Abdel Nasser, and the appointment of the heads of the device that directly to the President of the Republic comes from abroad , particularly graduates of the Military Academy most loyal to the President, for reasons many of the most important is that the ambitions of the officers at the top is the access to the rank of Under - grip device and remain president of the republic on a permanent device so as not to be able to any officer in the device industry to lobby inside the machine controls . But President Mohamed Morsi, was the first to break this formula was appointed for the first time as President of the device from the inside is Maj. Gen. Raafat Shehata , but the irony is that the second resolution or third decisions Sisi over the head of the Constitutional Court , which put it at the head of the coup was the dismissal of Maj. Gen. Raafat Shehata and the appointment of Major General Mohamed Farid Thami president of the device, although this decision was in the midst of coups and decisions and many other massacres and crimes committed by the coup against the people did not stand him so many people blew up the newspaper « New York Times » U.S. command the news of a major on 30 October last year was titled « Sisi put a general corrupt head of the General Intelligence » the newspaper said in its report « The Thami is one of the symbols of corruption and the man responsible for obliterating any evidence of government corruption in the system of ousted President Hosni Mubarak » , she said a year after the fall of Mubaraks regime began , Major General Thami is facing a barrage of accusations of covering up the facts of corruption government and favoritism for many years under the Mubarak regime , prompting President Mohamed Morsi to dismiss him immediately from his position as director of the administrative Control Authority , was transferred to the prosecution until you start investigating him, and after that filled newspapers and television channels of news about corruption and he thought everyone that a mans life career has ended in scandal shameful and that may spend the rest of his life between prison walls if everyone surprised that Thami back once again to power as more influential than ever before , where his friend Abdel Fattah al - Sisi director of the General Intelligence one of the most serious and the most important positions in the country. It quoted « New York Times » in its report , citing sources within the Egyptian government that Thami was an early supporter of Sissy in a campaign of repression used against the people, the newspaper quoted a Western diplomat that General Thami characterized as the most prominent advocates of the crackdown of security that took place and most influential is the most stringent against the revolution of January 2011 and it is not subject to any kind of reform, psychological , and strange that after the overthrow of Marsa evaporated charges for Thami Brigade and evaporated prosecution and investigations man sat at the head of one of the most important organs of the state.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:43:43 +0000

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