Black Metal was a localized eruption of emotion that was profound - TopicsExpress


Black Metal was a localized eruption of emotion that was profound and powerful in its time and place, but has now lapsed into self-reference and banality. Satanism and obsession with gruesome and morbid imagery is not important to us. The important thing about black metal is that it expressed a pure cry for the utter destruction of the modern world – it is a cry of sorrow, hopelessness and pain. It is not a call for a specific political program; it does not provide a map out of the darkness; in black metal, the depth of sadness is boundless and infinite. Listening to true black metal, we are touched by this uncompromising and extreme expression, for it puts a name to the deep rage and sadness that is a part of our soul. Wolves in the Throne Room play music that draws upon black metal. We take from black metal what we wish and let the chaff blow away. Satanism has nothing to do with our vision. It is axiomatic in occult study that we all contain the divine spark; that the earth around us is divine. But what does one do with this knowledge and power? The black metal superman keeps it for himself, sees himself as the god of his own kingdom, his magnificent spirit bowing before none. No god, no morality. Often, this kingdom is his suburban bedroom where he masturbates and dreams of greatness. Satanic metaphysics is fine for the hermit and the ascetic. It is a deep well of knowledge and power. We must give our due to those who walk the left-hand path with honor, but we aspire to more. What does the satanic farm look like? How does one raise Satanic children? How does one reconcile the Satanic black metal vision with the life-force found in a seed? Our black metal takes the sadness of Burzum as a starting point. Our spirits are birthed anew in darkness. The “Wildman” that is represented by the corpsepainted wraith is best seen as the larvae of a being on the path to redemption. Burzum, then, is the manifestation of the first step towards spiritual growth. e believe that we can, and must, take control over our lives on the levels of both spirit and flesh. It is a sad sign of the times that the various endeavors undertaken by the members of Wolves in the Throne Room are seen as freakish anomalies to be filed on the shelf next to Lord of the Rings. We often hear that we live “in a one-room cabin in the woods with no contact with the outside world”. That this exaggeration has become widespread is uncanny and speaks to the hunger that people feel for a connection with magic and spirit. The truth is that it is quite easy to refuse to participate in the insane death-march that flows on around us. THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO FIND A MORE MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE. https://youtube/watch?v=JDrJ5qOyXyg
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:28:00 +0000

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