Black Racism: How Do Racist Blacks Operate in a White - TopicsExpress


Black Racism: How Do Racist Blacks Operate in a White World When you say whites are evil, crakers, devils, honkeys and call whites racist with no proof and taught the Willy Lynch Syndrome of white man this and white mans that then why use a white mans platform to inform me an others that we are not black enough because we dont hate whites and have no truth about ourselves because we accept whites. Facebook, owned by white-cracker-honkey Mark Zuckerburg, but yet I hear how bad white people are from these so called white hating blacks. Why not use a strictly black created venue to spread that and create more division. Are you Willy Lynch syndrome black who has an iPhone but hates whites? Why when Steve Jobs is a white Jew? But you still got that phone dont cha? Hey, didnt Nikola Tesla discover AC current and gave us the electrical grid? Hey as a black Willyncher you shouldnt be using any electricity at all since the white man did it. Thats a nice car black racist, hey Henry Ford a white cracker devil invented the car, so hey, why are you remotely using cars, come on, you are supposed to hate the white cracker, honkey, devils. So you cant have it both ways racist blacks of the Willy Lynch syndrome academy. No you have to encompass your hate in all aspects concerning whites. Oh wait a minute, that means the USA was founded by whites, aww man all you guys need to leave and go back to to the motherland since supporting anything white is not in your Willy Lynch Syndrome thinking. You cant claim to hate a group of people and operate within THEIR construct, its called insanity.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:13:35 +0000

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