Black Rose / Rosa Negra - NYC :: ANTI-RACIST PRAXIS AND - TopicsExpress


Black Rose / Rosa Negra - NYC :: ANTI-RACIST PRAXIS AND ANARCHISM: Notes on Ferguson and Beyond The police murder of Michael Brown has sparked a national movement for racial justice marked by strong anti-authoritarian tendencies. What can anarchists learn from ongoing popular struggles against racism and police murder? How can anarchists and anarchist thought help to expand resistance beyond the tired reformist calls for new mayors and new police chiefs to target the underlying nexus of white supremacy and state violence behind the constant killing of black youth? Come join the New York local of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation for report-backs from Ferguson and a panel discussion on anti-racist praxis and anarchism with dedicated anarchist militants from across the northeast. Speakers: Lou DeJesus (Black Rose/Rosa Negra, Buffalo, NY) is an anti-state Communist from Buffalo, New York. She works on prisoner justice, prison abolition, mass incarceration, and support for Cointelpro-era and current political prisoners. Lou is interested in coalition building across traditional barriers. Natajah (B.L.A.C.K., Rochester, NY) is an anarcho-communist living in Rochester, NY. She is a founder of the local organization B.L.A.C.K (Building Leadership and Community Knowledge) and works on issues of police brutality, education, mental health, and individual empowerment that affect Black communities. Moderated by Senia Barragán (Black Rose/Rosa Negra, New York, NY).
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:00:02 +0000

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