Black Sheriff Says Eric Holder Is an “S.O.B” Because of What - TopicsExpress


Black Sheriff Says Eric Holder Is an “S.O.B” Because of What He Just Did in Ferguson [VIDEO] Monday, December 1st, 2014 The Sheriff of Milwaukee County, David Clarke, a black man, recently called Eric Holder an “S.O.B” for his irresponsible handling of the Ferguson situation. He also had much to say about race-baiter Al Sharpton in his address at a National Press Club conference. Quickly telling the audience, “I’m not known for sugar coating things,” he went on to describe how “some groups started to converge on the small town of Ferguson, Mo., like vultures on a roadside carcass.” He referred to specific groups like the New Black Panther Party and “people like Al Sharpton.” He pointed out that instead of those groups attempting to restore calm in the community, they only served to stoke the flames by pouring more gas on the fire with their “inflammatory and irresponsible rhetoric.” (H/T TPNN) Clarke continued his barrage of truth when he called out “two bit politicians” like Jay Nixon and Claire McCaskill, whom he said threw law enforcement under the bus for reasons of political gain. But he didn’t expect the same behavior from a man who is supposed to be the “top cop” of the nation – Eric Holder. His anger visibly increased when he relayed the story of Eric Holder using the Ferguson podium to recall a time when he was once “racially profiled” on two separate occasions as a younger man, when he was a federal prosecutor. Clarke’s thoughts on those race-baiting stories, which were self-serving and intended to stir the pot, were nothing short of epic. “Wait a minute…Mr. Attorney General, if you felt those officers had violated your Fourth Amendment, and you’re a federal prosecutor, and you didn’t say anything at the time? On behalf of everybody in the United States, you could have done something if you felt that. You could have made a complaint–because all of us kind of realize in law enforcement, right, we testify–what do they say in court? If you didn’t write it down, if you didn’t report it, it didn’t happen.” He didn’t stop there. The good sheriff continued with, “And I thought, ‘How could you do that?’ Who cares about what happened to you? What about the people of Ferguson, Missouri right now? Who cares about you, Eric Holder?” Clarke ended the justified rant against Holder by calling him an “S.O.B” for showing up to law enforcement memorials and praising the work of fallen officers while using his platform at the same time to imply, as Clarke said parroting Holder, “law enforcement officers go out with some nefarious and malicious intent in their heart, to deny people their rights, and to indiscriminately shoot and take people’s lives for nothing.” We salute Sheriff Clarke for his bold stand against the out-of-control race-baiting happening on the ground in Ferguson, initiated by Eric Holder, Al Sharpton and the rest of their crew. They’re only there to serve their own agendas and couldn’t care less that people are hurting and small business owners are in ruins because of their actions.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 23:28:46 +0000

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