Black Wall Street, Little Africa I can’t imagine - TopicsExpress


Black Wall Street, Little Africa I can’t imagine how it must have felt to have everything you’ve worked for be burned to the ground overnight. Not to mention the massive loss of life. How does so much evil lurk in the white man’s soul? Furthermore, how could the killings of another human being bring pride and respect to another one’s race? It truly sickens me. Yet the thought of it angers me deep down inside. I know that hate is a tool of the devil, but hate is what I feeling inside at this very moment as I write. The more I learn about our past, the more I feel a need to educate myself and others around me because if we are not aware of our past we are most likely to fall victims to our futures. I’m so lost for words right now. Can we ever truly be free? This has definitely been one of the hardest documentary to view for me by far. In addition, I have come to the sad conclusion that we will never be truly accepted here, no matter what level of > education one achieves. We will always be judged by our race or our skin tone. Sometimes it’s so hard for me to stay positive when I’m surrounded by negativity daily. Now my education is my fuel for my search for the truths that have been hidden from us for almost 520 years now. It has been so far an eye opening experience for me. One I will never forget. “Let your afro grow and let the whole world know, that the movement is in full effect. The revolution will be uncivilized” Derrick Newton. 2013.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:51:21 +0000

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