Black Widow and Oracle What Do They Have In Common? Both - TopicsExpress


Black Widow and Oracle What Do They Have In Common? Both Natasha Romanoff (I hate this spelling) and Barbara Gordon are more or less normal humans who trained themselves to be something extraordinary. Romanoff became the Russian Agent and later Avenger known as Black Widow, the best spy/assassin/saboteur in Marvels universe, while Barbara followed in the footsteps of Gotham Citys most famous crimefighter and became Batgirl. After a bullet from Joker left her paralyzed, Barbara continued to serve the Bat-Family as Oracle, a sort of mission control for the team that gathers and communicates intelligence between everyone else. Both women rely primarily on their intellect, ingenuity and athleticism to bring down the worst scumbags imaginable, and to gain and protect valuable information to help keep both their teammates and the world at large safe from threats. How Do They Differ? Other than working in the same general field of information gathering, these two honestly couldnt be more further apart in personality. Natasha is older and more experienced, possessing a pragmatic approach to her missions, believing that the ends usually justify the means and criminals usually deserve whats coming to them. Barbara, however, was raised by a cop and trained by Batman. She believes in the system and would prefer that criminals have their day in court instead of playing executioner. She is younger, more innocent and much more outgoing than Natasha, who while she possesses wit and empathy, is a much more introverted, private person. What Sort Of Story Would I Tell? Fans of the Birds of Prey probably knew what I was thinking pairing these two together. That team started out as a duo, with Dinah Lance, a.k.a. Black Canary doing the legwork on missions while Oracle handled all of the information gathering. Outside of their work, the two women became close friends. It would be interesting to see the same premise but with Natasha, who is a lot more morally grey than Canary. Black Widow can do what she does best (taking down criminals and getting where few people can get) while Oracle can do what she does best (handle all the intel of a case and provide intelligent counsel), and everything is happy. The real reason Id read this book though is to see how the two women would affect each other. Barbara would serve as Natashas conscience, questioning her methods at times but also providing the emotional support when Widow is having one of her personal crises (and these do happen). Nat, by contrast, would help Babs see the world through new eyes and help her gain a more pragmatic view of the world, helping her understand that sometimes compromises have to be made for the greater good. I also can see Natasha being the cold voice of reality when Babs gets into one of her depressive states. They would really benefit each other. Oh. And who wouldnt get a kick out of Natasha manipulating the innocent-minded and quick to anger Barbara into fits of hysterics? Thats always fun. If this ever became a reality, I would probably be willing to read it until the end of time. Especially if it was written by Gail Simone.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:09:51 +0000

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